March 4, 2016 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call
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Conference Call Schedule
- Occurs on Fridays, 4 PM Eastern
- Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)
Member Name | |
Kathleen Connor Co-chair | x |
Beat Heggli Co-chair | |
Paul Knapp Co-chair | x |
John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | |
Lorraine Constable | x |
Andy Stechishin | x |
Mark Scrimshire | |
Grahame Grieve | |
Corey Spears |
- Approval of February 26, 2016 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call minutes
- Review of v.2 vocabulary including CoverageType codes.
- Discuss approach for creating cross-domain policy and role value sets comprised of realm specific code systems.
- Discuss whether ProvenanceEvent value set needs to additional financial and administrative specific activities - e.g., process, adjudicate, pay???
- Review proposed revision v2 to previously approved FM CP 9567 Contract.signer definition because of need to include non-grantor/grantee parties such as witnesses.
- New version reads:
Strike: "party signing this contract". Replace with: [DEFINITION] "Parties with legal standing in the Contract, including the principal parties, the grantor(s) and grantee(s), which are any person or organization bound by the contract, and any ancillary parties, which facilitate the execution of the contract such as a notary or witness.
[COMMENTS] Signers who are principal parties to the contract are bound by the Contract.activity related to the Contract.topic, and the Contract.term(s), which either extend or restrict the overall action on the topic by, for example, stipulating specific policies or obligations constraining actions, action reason, or agents with respect to some or all of the topic.
[EXAMPLES] For example, specifying how policies or obligations shall constrain actions and action reasons permitted or denied on all or a subset of the Contract.topic (e.g., all or a portion of property being transferred by the contract), agents (e.g., who can resell, assign interests, or alter the property being transferred by the contract), actions, and action reasons; or with respect to Contract.terms, stipulating, extending, or limiting the Contract.period of applicability or valuation of items under consideration.
[REQUIREMENTS] The Contract.signer applies a signature to the Contract.binding referenced resource, which is the documentation that is the legal "source of truth". The Contract.signer may delegate, such as a legally recognized personal representative, or have a delegate assigned e.g., by a court of law, to actually sign the Contract, such as a trustee in the case of incompetence.
See Add onBehalfOf to Signature datatype for proposed approach for conveying that any one of possibly multiple signers has delegated actual signature to another entity [ the "who" in Signature datatype].
- Kathleen chaired.
- Unanimous approval of February 26, 2016 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call minutes
- Reviewed and approved changes proposed for FHIR Claim in spreadsheet through Row 31. Paul moved, Andy seconded 0-0-3.
- Reviewed and approved v.3 ActCoverageTypeCode set of coded concepts for use in HL7 v.2, v.3, CDA and FHIR Claim standards and claims related specifications. Paul moved, Lorraine seconded 0-0-3
- Discussed approach for creating cross-domain policy and role value sets comprised of realm specific code systems. There does not seem to seem to be definitive guidance. May need to bring up for discussion in US Realm TF and Vocabulary.
- Deferred till next call: Discussion whether ProvenanceEvent value set needs to additional financial and administrative specific activities - e.g., process, adjudicate, pay??? KC to develop examples and use cases where financially specific codes may be needed.
- Reviewed and approved proposed second revision to previously approved FM CP 9567 Contract.signer definition with amendments to the REQUIREMENTS section to clarify the relationship of any Contract.signer Signature with the Signatures on any attached Contract.binding or Contract.friendly. Paul moved, Lorraine seconded 0-0-2.
- New version reads:Strike: "party signing this contract". Replace with:
- [DEFINITION] Parties with legal standing in the Contract, including the principal parties, the grantor(s) and grantee(s), which are any person or organization bound by the contract, and any ancillary parties, which facilitate the execution of the contract such as a notary or witness.
- [COMMENTS] Signers who are principal parties to the contract are bound by the Contract.activity related to the Contract.topic, and the Contract.term(s), which either extend or restrict the overall action on the topic by, for example, stipulating specific policies or obligations constraining actions, action reason, or agents with respect to some or all of the topic.
- [EXAMPLES] For example, specifying how policies or obligations shall constrain actions and action reasons permitted or denied on all or a subset of the Contract.topic (e.g., all or a portion of property being transferred by the contract), agents (e.g., who can resell, assign interests, or alter the property being transferred by the contract), actions, and action reasons; or with respect to Contract.terms, stipulating, extending, or limiting the Contract.period of applicability or valuation of items under consideration.
- [REQUIREMENTS] Contract.signer, Contract.friendly, and Contract.binding are optional. Contract.friendly, and Contract.binding may include signers and signatures. There may be one or more signers and Signatures on the Contract Resource, which includes these attachments as well.
- When a Contract.signer applies a signature to the Contract.binding referenced resource, then this is the documentation that is the legal "source of truth".
- When a Contract.signer is also the signer of a "friendly" form version of a contract, then the Contract.signer Signature is the legal source of truth.
- [NOTE] The Contract.signer may delegate the application of a Signature to another entity, such as a legally recognized personal representative. A grantor or grantee signer may have a delegate assigned e.g., by a court of law, to actually sign the Contract on behalf of a contracting party, such as a trustee in the case of incompetence.
- In addition to the definition revision, this vote includes FM's recommendation that CP 9563 Add onBehalfOf to Signature datatype as the best approach for conveying that any one of possibly multiple signers has delegated actual signature to another entity [ the "who" in Signature datatype].