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March 4, 2014 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor . Daniel Crough . .
Steve Eichner x Mohammed Jafari Jim Kretz .
Mike Lardiere x Tracy Leeper Lisa Nelson
Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes Ken Salyards x
Lori Simon x Ioana Singureanu x Tony Weida .
Kate Wetherby x Rick Grow x Maryann Juurlink .
Steve Daviss . Neelima Chennamaraja x Dina Passman
Serafina Versaggi . . '

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. Vendor Group Meeting - Lori
  3. Criminal Justice - Richard/Ioana

Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Lori sent an extensive vendor list out to the CBCC listserve. We want to reach out to vendors that are outside the BH realm as well . (As a preliminary incentive to add BH to their repertoire as a specialty market) We want to let the vendors know that BH is not just psychiatry. We had start planning the meeting, however a key person with the APA is having surgery so realistically we are looking at the beginning of June. Vendor list includes (see APA_MHIT_Vendor_List_Selections.xls

Lori will have an update on the vendor meeting next week

CBCC has one upcoming ballot (consent directive) there were no comments, but it is coming up as an extension---we expect no comments or ballot reconciliation, because it is a reaffirmation of the ballot .

The BH just went through a reaffirmation because it’s been five years—there were no needs for ballot reconciliation.

Marlowe Greenberg with Foothold Technology has shown desire to join Tuesday meetings. Other vendors include Cerner and Anasazi have also expressed their interest to participate in our teleconferences. ACTION: Suzanne will send meeting invite to Marlowe (email to come from Mike Lardiere)

Criminal Justice – Richard / Ioana face-to-face meeting postponed due to weather trouble What we need to know in general is if a person is incarcerated can a BH specialist see them?

Want to emphasize the work we’re doing here---Core data and crossing different silos. Is there any Agreement/ disagreement for this type of approach? Is this reducing the scope of our work? We are talking about not only criminal justice but also pregnant and post-partum women where people are in the safety net world that might have BH problems

The challenge here to do this work is to get a smallish group of data elements community based services, BH service, behavioral and criminal just service. We are working with the HL7 framework and the NIEM framework. There have been challenges when this has been attempted at ONC.

What we are arguing here, we think by working at the IM model and platform independent model, it will not matter whether it’s NIEM or HL7. NIEM does have an open, public government funding--they are having issues, especially with government cutbacks.

(Ioana) There is a tool for UML modeling, interface exchange package documents and there some cases of usability because it may be a proprietary tool.

  • It allows you to do specialized Meta objects (i.e. extensions for HL7, or Meta objects in NIEM)
  • The NIEM UML tools allow you to create interchange exchange classifications. I think we could get a set of people interested to look at modeling specific interchange.

ACTION from last meeting: NPRM Link