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March 24, 2015 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Mike Davis Security Co-Chair x Steve Eichner
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x John Moehrke Reed Gelzer
x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair . Lori Simon . Paul Knapp
. Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair . Mohammed Jafari . Harry Rhodes
x Kathleen Connor x Ioana Singureanu x David Bergman
x Diana Proud-Madruga (audio) . Steve Daviss . Wende Baker
x Serafina Versaggi . Marlowe Greenberg . Chris Clark, WV
x Rick Grow . Matt Peeling x Brian Newton
Lisa Nelson x Mike Lardiere . Amanda Nash
x Ken Salyards . Oliver Lawless .
x Neelima Chennamaraja x Susan Litton Bill Kinsley
. Chirag Bhatt . Lloyd McKenzie . [.

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1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2015

2. (05 min) Security and Privacy Patient Friendly Natural Language for Consent Directives - Update

  • Updates to IG
  • Name Change: tentative alternative proposed for NIB: Patient Friendly Language for Healthcare Privacy and Security User Interfaces (propose that CBCC members vote on new name next CBCC meeting)

3.(10 min) Data Provenance - Update

4. (30 min) Proposed HL7 Responses to Questions posed in the ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap

  • For discussion:
    • Consistent Representation of Permission to Collect, Share and Use Identifiable Health Information [p. 61]

5. (05 min) Action Item Review if any

6. (05 min) ITEM CLOSED HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: Privacy Consent Directives, Release 1 - Ballot Reconciliation Update

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Approve Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2015

  • The WG unanimously approved the minutes from the March 17 WG meeting.

Data Provenance

  • WG members are collaborating with Sean Muir from the Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) project to republish the CDA IG.
    • Sean updated the MDHT project so that Neelima and Kathleen can generate the tables that are familiar to folks from the C-CDA; these folks can now more easily visualize the navigation path through the model.
    • Neelima and Kathleen are also correcting and harmonizing the front matter of the CDA IG so that it better explains the document's purposes. They are starting to work on the entire CDA IG's front matter in order to explain the genesis of the Data Provenance project.
  • On April 2, Neelima and Kathleen will meet with the Structured Documents WG to review some of the comments that folks have made on the CDA IG, particularly with regard to the number of templates.
  • The CBCC WG plans to do an in-person ballot reconciliation at its meeting on April 7 to resolve the proposed dispositions submitted toward Keith Boone's comments.

Proposed HL7 Responses to Questions posed in the ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap

SECTION TO WHICH CBCC IS RESPONDING: Consistent Representation of Permission to Collect, Share and Use Identifiable Health Information [p. 61]

  • Kathleen shared and discussed the proposed HL7 responses to this section of the roadmap.


  • Kathleen will distribute updated comments.
    • She will also split comments per discussion topic between "CBCC" and "Security."

Security and Privacy Patient Friendly Natural Language for Consent Directives

  • Rick and Suzanne identified and compiled resources to begin mapping technical/legal terms commonly found in consent directives and HIPAA Notices of Privacy Practices to patient friendly terms.
    • These resources include plain language translations and health literacy thesauruses from both U.S. federal agencies (i.e., HHS and CMS) and credible health organizations. The mapping will be included in the HL7 ballot for this project.

Meeting Adjourned at 1152 PDT --Suzannegw (talk) 14:55, 24 March 2015 (EDT)