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March 10th 2009 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting



  1. Ioana Singureanu Scribe
  2. Suzanne Gonzales-Webb - CBCC Co-chair
  3. Tony Weida
  4. Rob McClure
  5. Pat Pyette
  6. David Sperzel
  7. Steven Connoly
  8. Kathleen Connor
  9. John Moehrke
  10. Mike Davis


  1. (5 min) Roll Call
  2. Meeting Minutes approval:(unanimous)unan; Agenda approval ( unanimous):
  3. (20 min) Ballot followup (Ioana)
  4. (20 min) Review vocabulary proposal (Suzanne)


  1. Can we ballot our vocabulary spec as an informative standard? We will publish it as a part of Composite Privacy Consent Directive Version 2.0.