Mar 25, 2008, 4 PM EST
- Harmonization meeting
Rob has asked Tom (and Hugh) about availability for participation by telephone on April 1 (or 2). Rob has e-mailed Woody to ask if exact times can be sent to Hugh and Tom. No response from Woody yet.
- Ballot status
Rob has checked with Don. The missing materials were due to the fact that Don hadn't generated a complete update yet. As soon as this is done, we should check for completeness of the package.
- Previous ballot comments
Rob has checked: For retraction of outstanding negatives, it’s good enough to send a notice to balloters. If they don't respond (or actively retract), next ballot will supersede previous one. Action: everybody to check for completeness of Medication ballot as soon as it opens
- Agenda for Phoenix
Tom will take over task of setting up the agenda. Especially look at joint sessions, because there may be confusion after e-mail exchanges. Compare with Lilian’s room assignments and report to her. Action: Tom to check status of Phoenix agenda and send out before next week's call
- HITSP volunteers
No longer in focus? There were some e-mails, but it seems like we don’t need to take action. Check! Action: Garry will send a message to Scott asking about potential role with HTSP
- modelling of order for nebulizer
Based on last week's topic, John has drafted a rough model. Action: John will send out model for review
End: 4:20 PM EST