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Link to PLT 2010 Meeting Minutes

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RPS R3 Project Leadership Team Meeting Minutes

2nd March 2010 Present: Mark Gray, Joe Cipollina, Geoff Williams, Steve Ward, Bob Gatling, Louis Boulay, Karin Sailor, Mary Padgett, Jason Rock, Taku Watanabe, Bernie Liebler, Monica Mehta, Bob Birmingham, Joel Finkle

1. Discussion on Leadership Team Roles and Remit The remit described in the Project Plan document was discussed and endorsed. The group decided Geoff Williams should chair the Leadership Team. The Frequency of meetings was set at every two weeks (as currently scheduled). Meetings will be 1 hour, starting at 7.30am (EST). Agenda items should be sent to Geoff at least 24hrs in advance so an agenda can be published. A LiveMeeting/Webex will not usually be scheduled unless a specific need is identified. If needed Geoff can send out a LiveMeeting invitation. After each meetng the notes/actions/decisions will be written up and posted on the HL7 Wiki, the intent is to do so within 24hrs of the meeting. No quorum for the meeting will be defined, though it is likely that meetings during holiday periods will be cancelled if insufficient Leadership Team members (Project Facilitator, Interested Parties and Subgroup Leaders) are available.

2. Regional/Domain Requirements Mark Gray had commented in the Project Plan that it would be useful to build regional and domain objectives into the Project Plan, so that the overall project had a reviewable goal of meeting regional/domain needs, as well as the globally harmonised requirements. In discussion there was a broad agreement that this approach should be followed. Two possible approaches were outlined, either to include them into the Project Plan in the relevant section, or to add them as appendices to the plan. The latter was seen as a possible approach if the objectives could not be made available in time for inclusion in the first version of the Project Plan. It was noted that the intent wasn to gather the objectives for participation in the Project. The detailed requirements would follow on, but were not needed at this time. ACTION: Each stakeholder group (regional/domain) should identify their objectives from participation in the RPS R3 Project and communicate these to Geoff for inclusion in the Project pan, before the next Project Leadership Team Meeting (16th March).

3. Note from Don Lloyd There was a brief discussion about the note from Don Lloyd of HL7. ACTION: Geoff to confirm to Don Lloyd that no ballots are planned in the May ballot cycle. ACTION: Geoff to confirm the way that the prject team are using the terms R2 and R3 to Don Lloyd

4. Feedback from Woody Beeler About Hyperlinking Geoff reported that the interest from Woody Beeler about hyperlinking was because he had heard about the WARM initiative. Geoff was sent a contact name and will follow up.

5. AOB There was no other business raised.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 16th March