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June 22nd CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda.
  2. (55 min) CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives ballot reconciliation - seven remaining comments to be addressed, beginning at Item #82
    • To download current version of the consolidated ballot spreadsheet, click File/Save Page As and add .xls or .xlsx extension
  • Ongoing Projects
  • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog


1. Action Items - none

2. Resolutions

CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives ballot reconciliation was completed today.

  • Vote taken on today's remaining items: Six affirmative, zero negative, zero abstain (6/0/0)
  • The final consolidated ballot spreadsheet has been posted on GForge.

3. Updates/Discussion

Ballot reconciliation for the CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives completed today. All items have been voted on, and the final consolidated spreadsheet has been posted on GForge

  • Summary of discussion on items voted upon today will be added to these minutes soon.

Looking at future meetings:

  • On going projects
    • Privacy Policy Reference Catalog
      • Pat expects to resume work on this project within the next three or four weeks (following PASS Audit). This project will be added to the weekly CBCC at that time. Until then, nothing to report
  • Potential new project:
    • A number of CBCC WG participants are involved with Federal Health Information Modeling efforts (FHIMS) and focused on identifying a set of classes and attributes to describe behavioral health information.
      • One of the objectives of that effort is to produce an Information Model that may be added to the HL7 standard
      • CBCC WG could consider developing a project scope statement for a new project that is in collaboration with the FHIM effort
    • Agenda items for next week:
      • Map out some deliverables, dates and potential collaborations for the next year
      • Brief overview of the FHIM project and the behavioral health information model
      • Discuss possibility of kicking off an HL7 project sometime in August/September time frame
    • Richard clarified that although there is the expectation that funding will be available for this in the next fiscal year, nothing has been officially announced
      • Other work groups with which we could collaborate as both may be interested in the behavioral health analysis:
        • Electronic Health Records (EHR) WG: They are working on a Core Data elements project within the EHR functional model and this could feed that effort
        • Patient Care WG: Worthwhile to share the work CBCC/FHIM has been doing with them. Patient Care does not hold weekly meetings, so need to coordinate with co-chairs to get on their agenda

Meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM EDT

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