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June 1st, 2010 Security Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve minutes 25 May 2010, Call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda
  2. (55 min) Composite Security & Privacy DAM Ballot Reconciliation - continue addressing outstanding comments from the ballot.
    • This is the latest version of the spreadsheet as of 5/25 with the Rio informal disposition comments added


1. Action Items - none

2. Resolutions

  • Vote taken on comments reviewed to date (May 25 & June 1). Ballot reconciliation resumes next week to dispose of remaining comments
    • 12 Approve, 0 Object, 0 Abstain

3. Updates/Discussion

Composite Security and Privacy DAM Ballot Reconciliation

Ballot reconciliation resumed focused on the comments submitted by participants in today’s WG meeting (Reviewed: Suzanne Gonzales-Webb & John Moehrke)

The group resolved to vote on the dispositions agreed to during today’s and last week’s meeting, since a formal vote on last week’s comments was not taken at the close of the meeting

Item #40: Normative (DSTU) versus Informative ballot.

  • The DAM is an Information Model, and as such, is something thing informs Normative specifications, it is not something that to claim conformance against.
  • John’s request is to re-open the discussion as to whether the DAM is something vendors or products can claim conformance to or something that informs other specifications that vendors or products can claim conformance to.
    • Ioana said there is nothing that can be done in the ballot reconciliation process to address this comment which is why the disposition was deemed Not Related). The way to address this comment is to present it to the TSC as an action item and lobby for the ballot to be changed from DSTU to Informative.
    • Pat has no objection balloting the DAM as DSTU if there are conformance points identified in the document, addressing the Normative issue. At the same time, Pat wasn’t sure there is anything currently in the DAM that meets the criteria for a conformance point so it is appropriate to open up the discussion in this group. There may be something missing in the DAM that identifies this as Normative.
    • Mike agreed that conformance points were appropriate and missing. This will be taken as a comment and become part of the on-going work of this DSTU.
    • The disposition was updated to Persuasive with Mod. The proposed resolution is to add a conformance section to the DAM
    • John disagreed with the proposed resolution and instead wants the DAM to be re-balloted as Informative.
    • Mike re-iterated that the intent of the DAM has always been to ballot this as Normative starting with DSTU. This was presented to the TSC. Pat’s suggestion to add conformance points to the DAM is appropriate.
  • John expressed his differing viewpoint and disagreement with the disposition. A note was taken to re-open the question whether the DAM should be re-balloted as Informative in a future release of this DSTU.

Item #47: Information Analysis Overview diagram

  • Figure 1 – Derivation Approach diagram will be described to clarify how various the perspectives (Consent Directive, Privacy Policy, Healthcare Provider, Security Policy) address different aspects of Security and will map these to the RM-ODP (business and engineering) viewpoints.

Item #48: Clarification on jurisdictional and organizational standpoint (viewpoint)

  • John’s motivation for this comment is that he wanted a better understanding of how each of the diagrams differ and what are the criteria for certain classes falling out of the overall model. A clarification as to how the viewpoints differ will be added to the document.

A motion was made by Richard to vote on the dispositions from this and last week. Motion seconded by Suzanne.

  • Vote: 12 affirmative, 0 object, 0 abstain

Ballot reconciliation will resume next week to dispose of remaining comments

Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM EDT