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July 31, 2015 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call

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Conference Call Schedule

  • Occurs on Fridays, beginning January 2014 @4:00 pm, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-07:00)
  • Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)


Member Name
Kathleen Connor Co-chair x
Beat Heggli Co-chair
Paul Knapp Co-chair x
Lorraine Constable
John Evans
Oscar Gatson
Suzanne Gonzales Webb
Lloyd McKenzie
Mary Kay McDaniel x
Ken McCaslin
Denise Oviatt
Dmytro Rud
Andy Stechishin x
Serafina Versaggi
Jay Zimmerman
Angelica Garcia-Gutierrez
[mailto: Mark Scrimshire] x

July 31, 2015 Call Agenda Topics

Presiding Cochair: Paul Knapp

  1. (05 min) Attendance, approval of the agenda
  2. (50 min) FHIR FM Development Work Session
  3. (05 min) Other Business and Action Item Review

July 31, 2015 Call Minutes

RE FHIR Financial Management Resources Work Session: Met with Mark Scrimshire to discuss further development of the FM FHIR EOB to meet CMS Medicare Beneficiary Portal requirements. Action Item – Paul and Mark to work on EOB Resource Spreadsheet. KC to post minutes.