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July 3, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information



  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve June 26th Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (05 min) Follow up - Action Items
    • Wendy Huang: Kathleen confirmed that PrintName for PATREQ concept within PatientProfileQueryReasonCode can be renamed 'Patient Query Request'.
    • Suzanne: Request to extend the expiration date for CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives to March 2013 (currently set to expire 7/6/2012)
      • This artifact will likely be reballoted in Jan 2013 based on experience gained during S&I Framework Initiative Data Segmentation for Privacy
    • Suzanne: Forward Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model ballot to Steering Division with cc: to Don Lloyd for publication
      • Once DAM has been published, Serafina to follow up with Don Lloyd to link DAM in September CDA IG for BH Reporting ballot package
    • Review of DSTU Comment site confirms that Composite Security & Privacy DAM has been published - to expire 2/14/14
      • Initial review of DSTU Comments page missed that it had been published as HL7 Version 3 Domain Analysis Model: Security, Release 1 (not Composite Security & Privacy)
  3. (45 min) CDA IG September ballot - working meeting (content due to HL7 end of July).
  4. (5 min) Other Business


Ioana: Motion to formally approve Harmonization proposal brought forward by Wendy Huang, Canada Health Infoway:

  • Rename PrintName for the PATREQ concept in _PatientProfileQueryReasonCode to 'Patient Query Request'. This proposal was discussed and approved by the CBCC WG on the June 26 conference call. This motion formalizes the agreement that took place meeting based on follow up with Kathleen Connor (originator of the code) that no known implementations would be impacted by the change.
  • Second: Richard
  • Vote: Unanimously approved

Action Items

Extension of DSTU Notes: Extending the Trial Use Period (from the HL7 Governance and Operations Manual); A Work Group may petition the TSC to extend the trial use period of a draft standard for up to one year from the end of the existing period. The request for extension shall stipulate the reason an extension is needed; the proposed length of the extension; what actions the Work Group will take to facilitate a normative ballot of the proposed standard following the trial use period; and whether the request for extension is supported by the current and any additional organizations committed to implementation. The decision of the TSC regards the approval and length of an extension is final.

Publishing Notes: (email from Don Lloyd) complete the DSTU publication request form. A link can be found on the TSC wiki page that includes guidance from the TSC on requesting extensions to DSTU. See DSTU_Publishing_Guidance.

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