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July 27 2016 Education Telecon

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Call to Order

  • Call and Gotomeeting info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895

  • Attendees: Melissa Mendovil, Anita Waldren, John Ritter, Fernando Campos, Andrew Flatgard, Virginia Lorenzi

Review prior minutes

We will vote on this weeks and last weeks minutes at next call.

Case Based Learning

  • Andrew Flatgard, Learning Technologist from Columbia University, joined our call to discuss case based learning.
  • The whole presentation was recorded (some audio issues but most is fine). Notes from discussion included here. He shared slides as well as an example case from the Columbia Case Consortium.
  • He shared the idea of a story used for learning that included a scenario, a protagonist, other roles, and decision points. Cases can be discussed in in-person or online instructor led training and you can have prescribed feedback for self-paced training. He noted that vignettes are fine - doesn't always have to be a large story. Lots of free ones available.
  • Anita shared that she has some experiences with cases and found they helped get people "out of their box".
  • Melissa asked if there was any research supporting this method - Andrew cited resources on the Columbia website supporting the activeness of active learning overall.
  • Fernando explained that we use Moodle and Andrew explained that the idea of branching is popular where basically a student makes a decision at a case decision point and then follows a learning branch as a result. Noted that he has implemented branches in the past using Captiva and Articulate. MOOCs have not done branching he doesn't think. Anita has used Captivate. Andrew noted that using polling functions is a way to get students to vote at decision points and help engage them in discussion.
  • John Ritter explained the International Mentoring challenge and noted that the students that we might be trying to reach might only have cell phones and not many electronic sources. Andrew recommended cell phone compatibility for education delivery. He also showed the Columbia ICAP Nursing e-Learning platform for teaching HIV positive mothers in Africa as an example of education deliver projects in poor countries.
  • Virginia noted the success of the HL7 Fundamentals training in reaching large numbers of people in multiple languages. Andrew expressed interest in learning more. we discussed idea of presenting it in future call.

New Webinar/Class/Education Ideas

  • Any updates (vocab, facilitator, certification test writing)

Not discussed

  • HL7 for Clinicians - report from list, status

Anita CIC co-chair joined the call. We made tentative plans to meet Thursday Q1 (joint WG meeting with CIC) in Baltimore. She also noted that there is a CMIO special meeting Sunday and Monday and said education could be brought up there. She will send agenda. We offered to potentially send a representative. She suggested we talk to Russ Leftwich as well which we are already doing. Discussed possibility of online self-paced training or short local training or training at clinician oriented conferences - the second two align with our one-day summit ideas. Anita suggested that training is needed not just for clinicians but for other domain experts.

  • Special topics on education (Virginia) - samples: Our fundamentals class, backwards learning, assessments, case-based learning, activated classrooms, hybrid learning, gamification, etc.
    • Case-based learning this week, backwards learning in two-weeks. Andrew Flatgard presented this call, next call will cover backwards learning
  • Note that John Ritter sent an Email on ideas for new education topics (on list)

WGM Preparations

  • Not discussed (except for time with CIC). Discuss in future call.

Certification Updates

  • not discussed due to time constraints. Deferred.

HQ Updates

  • Sharon and Mary Ann emailed offline that they did not have updates. Melissa showed Melanie's education updates to the website including an HL7 Pulse survey related to education marketing


Adjourned at 5:08PM eastern.