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July 25, 2014 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call

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Conference Call Schedule

  • Occurs on Fridays, beginning January 2014 @4:00 pm, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)


Member Name Present
Kathleen Connor Co-chair x
Beat Heggli Co-chair
Paul Knapp Co-chair x
Lorraine Constable x
Oscar Gatson x
Lloyd McKenzie x
Mary Kay McDaniel
Dmytro Rud
Andy Stechishin x
Serafina Versaggi
Jay Zimmerman

July 25, 2014 Call Agenda Topics

Presiding Cochair: Paul Knapp

  1. (05 min) Approval of June 13 - July 18 Friday 2014 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call Minutes kept in FHIR Work Session logs
  2. (05 min) Finalize and approve Sept 2014 FM WGM Agenda
  3. (45 min) FHIR FM Development Work Session: Paul to lead continued PFR Resource Development.
  4. (5 min) Other Business and Action Item Review

RE: Approval of agenda and minutes

Motion Moved Second Affirm Abstain Opposed

Approval of agenda and May 23rd and May 30th minutes






RE: Approval of FM Sept 2014 WGM agenda

Motion Moved Second Affirm Abstain Opposed

Approval of FM Sept 2014 WGM agenda with friendly amendments






RE FHIR Financial Management Resources Work Session:

  • Paul walked through the current vision and dental PFRs. Discussion with Lloyd centered on whether these PFRs can simply reuse the clinical representation of the services being conveyed in the PFR.
  • Discussed the following item raised by Paul:

We can discuss this on today's call when reviewing the FM FHR Resources, but I wanted to draw attention to an element name which I think is universally incorrect.

The ProviderFinancialResouces have an element currently called 'status' to convey whether this suite of services in 'proposed', as in a pre-determination or pre-auth, or complete, as in a claim. I think this is the wrong name, status is typically the state of a thing and the state of these things will not change - a proposed PFR (pre-determination) will not later become complete (a claim) - rather a proposed resource will be created/exchanged and will persist as is for all time then later a separate completed resource may be created/exchanged to reflect the claim and it will be persisted for all time.

So I think we should certainly change the element name away from 'status' and propose the name 'completion' or 'state' instead (or better name ideas) so we more accurately reflect that we are, optionally, coding the state of the services contained within but do not falsely give the impression that the state on this instance can change.

Decision is to call the attribute "Dental PFR.use" as a code with a value set of known codes and perhaps an "other" for any codes that are not in the value set.

Action Item - continue discussion on interim calls until the Sept WGM unless cancelled on the list.