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January 3, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call & Accept Agenda
  2. (45 min) Behavioral Health CCD Discussion
  3. (10 min) San Antonio Working Group Meeting update

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call & Accept Agenda

Behavioral Health CCD Discussion

  • 61 people who have registered to vote
    • 4 affirmative (AZ-Sara Imhold, Kathleen Connor,Novartis/affirmative and one other)
    • 1 abstain (Mitre)
    • VA votes have not yet been posted

Behavior Health CCD-DAM-Draft.1.SV2.docx

  • NIEM? I thought the only being discussed in the healthcare space oabout the niem was the process for producing the artifacs for reference implementations…we’re not talking about an information model .
  • Value sets are being created on/for the criminal justice side/criminal side
  • Packages like the DAM are also being drilled down to the value sets
  • Query health – must come up with fairly tight specificiations, such that they can collect meaningful infomation. (Not sure how they propose to do that, but they will also have to specifiy value sets)
  • Need to hit the highest and most important points and stop there for this ballot, then move to the next step/ballot. (Looking at the core points only at this time)
  • Focus is on the attributes of the FHIM—BH domain (to include value sets)
  • We are not excluding anything—however desire is to have people know why items are considered part of the core.
  • Work plan needs to be in place.
    • Off line calls to be scheduled (Jim, Serafina, Ioana)

CBCC Co-Chair Ballot - Reminder

San Antonio Working Group Meeting- Agenda review and update

Meeting adjourned

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