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January 2019 CBCP Working Group Meeting - San Antonio, Texas USA

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DRAFT IN PROCESS - Please contact Suzanne to update agenda items

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Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP)

formerly Community Based Collaborative Care (CBCC)

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2019 January Working Group Meeting - San Antonio, Texas USA - CBCP WG AGENDA DRAFT

Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP) WORKING GROUP SESSIONS

Q1 = 9:00 – 10:30 am / Q2 = 11:00 – 12:30 pm / Q3 = 1:45 – 3:00 pm / Q4 = 3:30 – 5:00 pm

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Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Day Date Qtr Time AGENDA ITEMS Session Leader Room
SAT JAN 12 . . No Meeting .
SUN JAN 13 Q1 9:00 - 10:30 No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 -3:00 No Meeting .
Q4 3:30 -5:00 No Meeting .
MON JAN 14 Q1 9:00-10:30 . .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . .
Q3 and Q4 1:45 -3:00 /


Joint CBCP , Hosting Security
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Agenda Review
  1. eLTSS - if available
  2. TEF / TEFCA Discussion, update
  3. FHIR-Security and Privacy Overview (John Moehrke)
  4. Overview for Security and Privacy HIMSS Demo - Mike
  5. Provenance results from ballot - Mike
  6. NIST Automated tools for composing IGs for HL7 v2 standards and test case generation (dependent on availability) - Mike?
  7. White House Report Johnathan
  8. PSAF (TF4FA) Vol 1&2 Publication Request approved on 1/8 Security call. Need CBCP/Security review and approval to move forward at Monday night InfraSD meeting. Deadline for completing PSS for May is 2/1. - Kathleen

Joint Project report out

  1. US and International Report out
  2. Joint Project review
  3. Security and Privacy advancements since last WGM, informal/around the room

Introduction of NEW discussion items; NEW projects; NEW PSS, etc. - note: 10 min timestamp

TUE JAN 15 Q1 9:00-10:30 No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30
  1. eLTSS FHIR IG Discussion
Room TBD
Q3 1:45-3:00 Joint CBCP, Hosting Security

Proposed Topics:

  1. (tentative) DS4P Reaffirmation Discussion/ballot - Jim to check PAC agenda to make sure topic added); also to add privacy mark for CUI (KC - DS4P will likely need to be revised to support encoded CUI as Privacy Mark labels. There's only on Privacy Annotation Section, which is used for e.g., 42 CFR Part 2 Prohibition against Redisclosure. CUI Banner is not allowed to be mixed with other displays.)
  2. DS4P for Behavioral Health
Q4 3:30 - 5:00

(joint with Security)

  1. Consent / Contract comparison, discussion
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather (1): Topic TBD . Room
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather (2): Topic TBD . Room
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather (3): Topic TBD . Room
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather (4): Topic TBD . Room
WED JAN 16 Q1 9:00-10:30 split-meeting Joint w/EHR Hosting: Security, CBCP, SOA, FHIR

See EHR Agenda for topics Electronic Health Records Hosting

EHR Hosting Room
Q2 11:00-12:30
  • CBCP Co-Chair ADMIN
. Room
Q3 1:45 -3:00 Security - Hosting CBCP
Q4 3:30 -5:00
  1. GDPR Discussion
THU JAN 17 Q1 9:00-10:30 Joint Security hosting CBCP, FHIR-I
  1. FHIR Consent Resource Discussion - DaveP
    • (Please see CR# 17569)
Q2 11:00-12:30
  1. FHIR Consent Resource Discussion (if needed) - DaveP
  • Planning, Administrative
Q3 1:45 - 3:00
  • Planning, Administrative
Q4 3:30 - 5:00
FRI JAN 18 Q1 9:00-10:30 No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 -3:00 No Meeting .
Q4 3:30 -5:00 No Meeting .

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Meeting Minutes Draft

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