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January 2016 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Orlando, FL

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2016 January Working Group Meeting - Orlando Florida USA - CBCC WORKING GROUP



Community Based Collaborative Care (CBCC) WORKING GROUP SESSIONS

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Link to WGM Meeting Minutes

Day Date Qtr Time AGENDA ITEMS Session Leader Room
SUN JAN 10 Q1 9:00-10:30 . No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 -3:00 . No Meeting .
Q4 3:30 -5:00 . No Meeting .
MON JAN 11 Q1 9:00-10:30 . No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 -3:00 Joint CBCC-Security Joint w/Security
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Agenda Review
  1. Joint Project report out
  2. International Report out
  3. New Joint Project review
CBCC Room Plaza International Ballroom I
Q4 3:30-5:00 Joint CBCC-Security Joint w/Security
  • Security and Privacy advancements since last WGM, informal/around the room

NEW discussion items; NEW projects

  • VA Opt-In/Opt-Out efforts towards implementing an HL7 Security Labeling Service (Mike Davis)
  • Report Out/Demo: Audit - FHIR Connect-a-thon (Duane DeCouteau)
  • Reference based MDMI (new project, Ioana)
  • ONC Initiative Update
    • Patient Choice project update
    • eLTSS Discussion
    • DAFF(?)
  • FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation (report out)
  • Address lack of US representation at next WGM in Montreal
CBCC Room Plaza International Ballroom I
TUE JAN 12 Q1 9:00-10:30 No Meeting . .
Q2 11:00-12:30
  • Item1
CBCC (tentative) Room Winter Park 50
Q3 1:45-3:00
  • Discussion - Privacy Protection for the Internet of Things
  • Reference based MDMI (new project, Ioana)
  • FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation
CBCC Room Colombia 35
Q4 3:30 - 5:00 Consent Directive Ballot reconciliation (tentative) . Room Colombia 35
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather - Chartering HL7's Open Source workgroup - the New Open Health Tools . Room Plaza International Ballroom E
Q5 5:15-6:15 Birds of a Feather - Advanced Interoperability: towards Certifying Reliability and Trust . Room Plaza International Ballroom E
Q6 time: 7:00-9:00 Birds of a Feather Mapping Language for FHIR mappings . Room Plaza International Ballroom F
WED JAN 13 Q1 9:00-10:30 Joint w/EHR, Security, SOA, FHIR

See EHR Agenda for topics

  • Joint Vocabulary Alignment Discussion


Room Plaza International Ballroom D
Q2 11:00-12:30
  • Co-chair administrative
  • next WGM agenda prep
CBCC Room Plaza International Ballroom K
Q3 1:45 -3:00
  • EHR/Vocab alignment sub-group (EHR Hosting)
CBCC Room Winter Park 54
Q4 3:30 -5:00
  • Not Meeting
CBCC Room Winter Park 54
THU JAN 14 Q1 9:00-10:30 w/Security - tentative . Challenger 39
Q2 11:00-12:30 No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 - 3:00 No Meeting .
Q4 3:30 - 5:00 No Meeting .
FRI JAN 15 Q1 9:00-10:30 No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 No Meeting .
Q3 1:45 -3:00 No Meeting .
Q4 3:30 -5:00 No Meeting .

Q1=9:00 – 10:30 am; Q2=11:00 – 12:30 pm; Q3=1:45 – 3:00 pm; Q4=3:30 – 5:00 pm

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Meeting Minutes Draft