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January 07, 2014 Security WG Conference Call

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Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Mike Davis Security Co-chair x John Moehrke Security Co-chair x Trish Williams Security Co-chair
Bernd Blobel, Security Co-chair . Johnathan Coleman x .
Kathleen Connor x Duane DeCouteau x Reed Gelzer .
Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair x Rick Grow x David Henkel x
Muhammed Jafari . Don Jorgenson . Diana Proud-Madruga .
Harry Rhodes . Ioana Singureanu . Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x
Tony Weida . . .
Paul Petronelli, Co-Chair Mobile Health Security WG . Amanda Nash (ONC) . .
. . .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (10 min)
  3. (5 min) DS4P ballot update
  4. (5 min) SLS Ballot update
  5. (10 min) update plans for training, and WGM agenda
  • applying HCS to analytics/data warehousing and analytics related use cases
  • add DS4P ballot reconciliation on Tuesday (for Johnathan

Meeting Minutes DRAFT

DS4P Ioana will be preparing proposed dispositions to any comments received for the DS4P ballot with coordination for Johnathan Coleman for folks to discuss who are in attendance (she will not be attendance at San Antonio)

  • This is the DS4P Normative II ballot
  • Johnathan will be available on Tuesday during the Security WG meeting to assist with the ballot disposition resolutions (in-person at WGM)
  • Note: John and Johnathan are walking through/transposing the IHE equivalent effort
    • This is a change proposal that adds the general purpose HCS to the confidentiality code, showing the same value sets and aligning with HL7
    • There are certain sensitive codes that should not be placed in the wrapper--and those have been noted
    • This is an abstraction on how to do the work;
  • there is a direct exchange profile that is directly related to the DS4P documentation
  • There are currently no negatives against the current version of the ballot, (Nine affirmatives)

SLS So far no negatives, comments are coming in

Healthcare Classification System (HCS) Recirculation, Reaffirmation You have until January 20th to reaffirm you ballot vote

  • Affirmative votes will be carried forward

WGM Agenda

  • SPACE Available on Wednesday to provide free tutorial as before (may not be announced in the brochure)
    • we can make an announcement to add the tutorial

ACTION ITEM (12/17):

  • (1/7) John to look up old tutorial information for review at next meeting
  • completed: Suzanne to create WGM agenda DRAFT for Security
  • Completed: Suzanne to update meeting invite to 'LYNC'
  • Security WG members should forward agenda items to Suzanne for the upcoming meeting.
  • Kathleen and Suzanne to review action items from last WGM to make sure there is nothing still outstanding.

Add to WGM Security Agenda:

  • FHIR Connect-ta-thon - update from Duane