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January 07, 2014 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor Daniel Crough . .
Steve Eichner x Brian Handspicker . Mohammed Jafari
Jim Kretz x Mike Lardiere x Tracy Leeper
Lisa Nelson Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes
Ken Salyards x Lori Simon x Ioana Singureanu x
Tony Weida . Kate Wetherby x Rick Grow
Maryann Juurlink x Steve Daviss Neelima Chennamaraja x

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. New Project Scope Statement - Security and Privacy Patient / Natural Language for Patient Use
  3. Value Set Update - Ioana/Wende
  4. Model - Lori
  5. Health Home and Post-Partum Women - Mary Ann (improving access to underserved populations)
  6. Follow up to Vendor Participation- Wende
  7. (5 min) DSM5 (and constraints related to ICD-10 adoption) - continued, if time

Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Interoperability Value sets

  • review of records and CDA documents that will be exchanged across enterprise
  • we've put together value sets (it may be premature) question to Jim/Richard;
  • we've put together value sets, with ICD-9 in preparation for ICD-10
    • spreadsheets are online (being show on gotomeeting screen, sent to group from Ioana
    • titled: 'sensitive data value sets'
    • may not be most accurate due to drug description changes in RxNorm, although diagnosis will more than likely be stable
    • testing tab: LOINC Code, Category/ShortName listings of detections of substance abuse (via Reigenstrief data)
    • questions/questionnaires, taxonomy/assessment instrument, other
    • draft form to add additional information, comments
  • Comments requested within two weeks - Ioana will send invite with two-week deadline if more time is needed please let us know (for evaluation of the Sensitive Data Value Sets Draft
  • The initial draft of the remaining material (post-partum, criminal justice, etc.) is also in the works for next week's meeting

ACTION ITEM (12/17): Ioana to do a follow up call on 12/27 for engagement with the stakeholders and report back to CBCC