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January 03, 2017 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair
. Mohammed Jafari x Rick Grow x Glen Marshall . Ken Salyards
. Ken Sinn x David Staggs x Steve Eichner . Beth Pumo
Chris Shawn . Ioana Singureanu x Neelima Chennamaraja . Joe Lamy
x Joseph Quinn . [ . [ . [

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda Approve Meeting Minutes
    • [[
  2. (05 min) FHIR CP Consent FRIDAY call update discussion reminder
    • re-tabling of the POU comments, what POU means to layperson, [FHIR Consent discussion
    • Friday Meeting are 2:00ET
    • Next meeting is scheduled for January 06 2017
    • FHIR Consent CPs are located: <<add link>>
  3. (05 min) PASS Audit - Diana
  4. (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA)
  5. (05 min) FHIR Security - John TUESDAY MEETING update
  6. Meetings for the remaining of the year... keep or cancel...?

MINUTES (draft)

WGM Agenda Update (Suzanne) Add Mobile Health to Tuesday Q3 on WGM Agenda - Done/sgw Security/CBCC/Mobile Health Joint Tuesday Q3 - San Antonio

spoke to Graham prior to holiday - he will be available for Friday AM

  • present on coder issues? (regarding POU)?
  • Grahame's presentation/not received, Kathleen,Mike presentation/received to date
    • DaveP to consolidate for Friday agenda once all materials received

PASS Audit - Diana

  • VA will submit votes by end of this week
    • all votes due by Friday
  • Mike, Johnathan, Diane discussion on PASS Audit ; possibily bringing in provenance to PASS Audit ballot document
    • would be good to broach the discussion during WGM, currently CBCC is not a part of this conversation, currently no joint CBCC/Security/SOA meeting
    • Provenance is currently in Security
    • only part of Provenance is part of CBCC, (CDA guide)
  • currently still have EHR, provenance mapping--where some of the mapping is not where is should be
  • we should take that to completion so as not to leave hanging out.
  • In terms of provenance, we are looking in healthcare provenance not just in an EHR system, but also cross-organizational boundaries including patient-generated other areas not just the EHR. As they cross organizational boundaries, as well. not only what happens

harmonizing those elements between audit and provenance wuld be a great first step, and decouple us from EHR from those events which only happen in an EHR. (add as discussion item at WGM)

Provenance across systems-- EHR lifecycle, provenance and audit.

  • Gary D presented a summary of elements, FHIR Provenance, FHIR Audit, FHIR ... events. as an open item had a lifecycle which showed one EHR to another EHR using this vocabulary
  • there are aspects of provenance that use audit logs; looking at tying that in to the PASS Audit umbrella
    • is audit just a type of provenance? (see W3C)
      • we need to be careful in just automatically tying provenance into audit, and it deserves to be a separate
  • Wednesday Q2/ sgw done (CBCC for provenance discussion only, not PASS audit ballot reconciliation)

Add to agenda Wednesday Q2 joint SOA/Security/CBCC to discuss provenance/audit; PASS Audit ballot reconciliation; idea of provenance--how it fits in with PASS Audit; or does a separate provenance service document / an appendix /

Move Q2 Co-chair administrative, next WGM agenda prep to Q3 / sgw done

Standards Privacy Assessment Cookbook

  • publication request sent to HL7 office last week
  • questions received from office have been responded to by Rick/Suzanne
  • vote to be taken at TSC soon
  • expecting published document in the near future

FHIR Security Update None

Additional agenda items? Discussion item for WGM Agenda:

  • CBCC name change/update; there is no privacy WG in HL7, how to include, publicize that there is a WG doing work with privacy. to call out 'privacy' - so that other workgroups can identify where to take privacy issues.

Meeting Adjourned at 1223 Arizona Time --Suzannegw (talk) 14:24, 3 January 2017 (EST)