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Introduction to HL7: Lessons Learned

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This page represents lessons learned from the E-Learning Introduction to HL7 CD contract.

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Content Gathering Phase

1. Assigning ‘owners’ to each chapter and relying on them to supply content seemed ineffective. Designating a point person to ‘own’ the content gathering task definitely jumpstarted the content gathering.

2. Creating a storyline with a beginning, middle and end was integral in validating the topics gathered and steering LearnSomething in the right direction for their work. In fact, creating the storyline early in the process, prior to content gathering, may have saved a good deal of effort during content gathering.

3. The group work in Cologne resulted in elimination of quite a few chapters. Gathering this group earlier may have quickened overall content gathering by having the chapter elimination occur earlier.

4. The strong project management input has been invaluable. It would have been too easy to have introduced delays where by better is the enemy of good. The detailed schedule for content gathering and review allowed the team to monitor progress, establish realistic goals, and quickly identify schedule slippage.

Content Review Phase

1. Reviewing content “chapter by chapter” seemed to go smoothly. This ‘spoon feeding’ didn’t overwhelm people with a ton of content to review all at once, and allowed people to pick and choose topics based on their expertise.

2. Skipping the overall chapter review seemed to be the right decision. Having both Education and PIC review each chapter provided enough exposure to the content.