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InM 0309 R1 2a2c Reconciliation

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March 8, 2017 Ballot Reconciliation

Comment Group InM-8 referred to Telcon

"Comment Number"BallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
722.5.616-17NEG"The values rows MSH-15 and MSH.16 are extracted from the valid values for the field. The rows Immediate ACK and Application ACK are valued with the expected response message based on the definitions in the chapter."Overall, this section is not clear. If the first row is the column name, the how are "Immediate Ack" and Application Ack" field names? Why are there sub-columns of the right-most column? Need more explanation of the content in this table.InM-8InMPersuasive with modnow that I re-read it, you are right.
23Pub22.14.1070n/aNEGThis field contains the comment contained in the segment. In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.The Usage of NTE-3 is being changed from O to C. Under what conditions would an NTE segment be sent if neither NTE-9 nor NTE-3 are populated? What is the point of such an NTE? If there is a use case for this, please include an explanation in the documentation for the NTE segment. If there is no valid use case, the usage of NTE-3 should be required rather than conditional.InM-8InMPersuasive with modConditionality predicate needs to be further indicated:In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.
24Pub22.14.1070n/aNEGThis field contains the comment contained in the segment. In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.The requirement for NTE-3 to be populated when NTE-9 is populated seems redundant at best given that CWE contains ample numbers of components for text equivalents (CWE.2, CWE.5, CWE.9). At best all of these element are equivalent. At worst, they will have varying meanings and the receiving system will be forced to either store and/or display them all or select one to store/display. In conjunction with my other comment on this field, I would make both NTE-3 and NTE-9 conditional such that one or the other must be populated. If an implemenation guide wants to further constrain and require both, they are free to do so.InM-8InMPersuasive with ModSee line 23
32Pub21472NEGClarificationIf this field is is valued, NTE-3 will be populated with text from this field.If this field is valued, NTE-3 shall be populated with a non-null value from either NTE-9.2, NTE-9.5, or NTE-9.9.Typo "is is". And need to clarify "with text from this field".InM-8InMPersuasive with modsee lines 23 & 24
6422.5.6NEGSuggest to use actual HL70155 values. Also, "WRP" is confusing, so perhaps an example from one of the other chapters can be used, e.g., Chapter 4.InM-8InMPersuasive
8822.5.616A-S(no text to replace)The Field Values for MSH-15 and MSH-16 are normative in Table 0155 and are: AL = Always send acknoeledgement; ER = Send acknowledgement on error conditions; NE = Never send acknowledgements; SU = on successful message processing.InM-8InMPersuasive with ModSee line 7
8922.5.616A-SThe rows Immediate ACK and Application ACK are valued with the expected response message based on the definitions in the chapter.The Immediate ACK row should contain the message expected in reponse to the processing of the message named in second row containing the value(s) for MSH-15 in that column.A definition for Immediate ACK should be provided.InM-8InMPersuasive with ModSee line 7

Comment Grouping INM-V1

Comment NumberBallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
124Pub2.ANEGThe descriptions and Usage Notes for CWE and CNE do not reflect the Vocabulary WG policies adopted since 2.8 around use of the second component (display text) of the coded triplets.INM-V1InMPersuasive"Refer to,CWE)"
125Pub2.A2.a.13.5Value Set OIDNEGThe text reads in such a way that all CWE fields must be bound to an HL7 Table with a number; this is not true when OBX-5 is used to carry CWE type result values, and the value set OID is a non-HL7 value set. Thus the Meaningful Use guides are non-compliant to the usage defined in this paragraph. Must be fixed.INM-V1InMEmail to Ted 3/8/2017

Comment Grouping INM-V2

Comment NumberBallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
142CTable 0206153NEG"where used CH2, RXA-21, RXV-22, LCH-2, IAM-6, ARV-2, IN1-55"Table 0206 is now used in ORC-35InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasive with ModAdd ORC-35 to where used
152CTable 0950NEGThis table is missing - is new for 2.9 - from chapter 4 - section (for ORC-25)InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveAdd Table 0950
162CTable 0949NEGThis table is missing - is new for 2.9 - from chapter 4 - section (for ORC-16)InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveAdd Table 0949
22Pub2CTable 0206n/an/aA-TCH2, RXA-21, RXV-22, LCH-2, IAM-6, ARV-2, IN1-55CH2, RXA-21, RXV-22, LCH-2, IAM-6, ARV-2, IN1-55, ORC-35, OBR-55, OBX-31In Chapter 2C, the definition of table 0206 doesn't list the ORC, OBR or OBX segment in either the Description or "where used". The table definition should be updated to reference these new segment using table 0206.InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasive See also Line item 35.Description of the table 0206 should mention that this table is also used in ORC-35, OBR-55, IPC-10, BPX-22, BTX-21, DON-34, BUI-13, OBX-31, SPM-35, CSR-17, CTI-4, SHP-12, PAC-9
25Pub2CAllAlln/aA-Swhere usedWhere UsedUnless there is a valid reason to leave "where used" all in lower case, the W and U should be capitalized to match the format of other values in the first column of the Metadata tableInM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix
28Pub2CTable 0950n/an/aA-TTable 0948 Coded ContentTable 0950 Coded ContentThe title of the last table in this section references the wrong table number (0948 rather than 0950)InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix table reference
29Pub2CTable 0951n/an/aA-T948951The table number in the Table Metadata table references 0948 rather than 0951InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix table reference
35Pub2C0206152, 153A-SDescription of the table 0206 should mention that this table is also used in ORC-35, OBR-55, IPC-10, BPX-22, BTX-21, DON-34, BUI-13, OBX-31, SPM-35, CSR-17, CTI-4, SHP-12, PAC-9InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveSee also line item 22: Description of the table 0206 should mention that this table is also used in ORC-35, OBR-55, IPC-10, BPX-22, BTX-21, DON-34, BUI-13, OBX-31, SPM-35, CSR-17, CTI-4, SHP-12, PAC-9
672CAllNEGSuggest that the Effective Date uses HL7's DT format YYYYMMDD to avoid any confusion of what, e.g., 04.05.2000 may mean.InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix
151Vocab2CNEW TABLES TO BE ADDED FROM HARMONIZATION APPROVALS These have been added by harmonization - remove this textInM-V2InM/Vocab
152Vocab2C0948A-SHL7-defined code system of concepts that identify the type of relationship identified by Relationship Instance Identifier (REL-3) that is established between the Source Information Instance (REL-4) and the Target Information Instance (REL-5).HL7-defined code system used in REL-2 of concepts that identify the type of relationship identified by Relationship Instance Identifier (REL-3) that is established between the Source Information Instance (REL-4) and the Target Information Instance (REL-5).InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix
153Vocab2C0950A-TTable 0948 Coded Content Table 0950 Coded Content In the table meta data Table is listed as 0948; should be 0950InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix
154Vocab2C0951A-TIn the table meta data Table is listed as 0948; should be 0951InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix
155Vocab2C0951A-TTable 0948 Coded Content Table 0951 Coded Content InM-V2InM/VocabPersuasiveEditor will fix

Comment grouping INM-V3

"Comment Number"BallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
3Pub2CNEGUnfortunately, the instructions to the ballot reviewers were not included for Ch. 2C. Since the chapter is now automatically generated and has new format this lack of guidance places an undue burden on reviewers to guess at what is being requested from them. I would suggest re-balloting with the guidance included.INM-V3InM/VocabPersuasive
662CToCA-TToC is missing.InM-V3InM/VocabEditor will fix
122Pub2CNEGThe header information, explanation of new format, and table of contents is missing from the chapter. Seems like a possible editorial issue when the ballot was put together.INM-V3InM/VocabEditor will Fix
150Vocab2CNEGNo change log provided"The entire layout of this chapter got re-done and an introduction about that may be good to have in the final standard, but if not there at least for the balloters to look at that as well as a list of changes approved via harmonization should be called out in the front of the chapter during ballot - this will make folks more aware of the requirement to send changes to harmonization as well as highlight what specifically should be reviewed chapter 2C also has no page numbers, no header or footers"InM-V3InM/VocabEditor will Fix

Comment Grouping INM-V4

"Comment Number"BallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
26Pub2CIntroduction1n/aNEGNot all readers will understand the difference between a Code System and a Value Set. The introduction should contain a discussion of these two concepts and how to use them and the data contained in the various tables in this chapter. Otherwise, people will misuse names and OIDs because they don't understand the difference. If HL7's approach to vocabulary is documented elsewhere, then a URL reference would be sufficientInM-V4InM/VocabPending Input

Comment Grouping INM-6

"Comment Number"BallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Vote and TypeSub-categoryExisting WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentComment groupingDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition Comment or Retract/Withdraw details"
722.5.616-17NEG"The values rows MSH-15 and MSH.16 are extracted from the valid values for the field. The rows Immediate ACK and Application ACK are valued with the expected response message based on the definitions in the chapter."Overall, this section is not clear. If the first row is the column name, the how are "Immediate Ack" and Application Ack" field names? Why are there sub-columns of the right-most column? Need more explanation of the content in this table.InM-6InMPersuasive with modnow that I re-read it, you are right.
23Pub22.14.1070n/aNEGThis field contains the comment contained in the segment. In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.The Usage of NTE-3 is being changed from O to C. Under what conditions would an NTE segment be sent if neither NTE-9 nor NTE-3 are populated? What is the point of such an NTE? If there is a use case for this, please include an explanation in the documentation for the NTE segment. If there is no valid use case, the usage of NTE-3 should be required rather than conditional.InM-6InMPersuasive with modConditionality predicate needs to be further indicated:In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.
24Pub22.14.1070n/aNEGThis field contains the comment contained in the segment. In support of backwards compatibility, when NTE-9 is populated, the sending system SHALL also populate a human-readable version of the comment in NTE-3. When NTE-9 is not populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.The requirement for NTE-3 to be populated when NTE-9 is populated seems redundant at best given that CWE contains ample numbers of components for text equivalents (CWE.2, CWE.5, CWE.9). At best all of these element are equivalent. At worst, they will have varying meanings and the receiving system will be forced to either store and/or display them all or select one to store/display. In conjunction with my other comment on this field, I would make both NTE-3 and NTE-9 conditional such that one or the other must be populated. If an implemenation guide wants to further constrain and require both, they are free to do so.InM-6InMPersuasive with ModSee line 23
32Pub21472NEGClarificationIf this field is is valued, NTE-3 will be populated with text from this field.If this field is valued, NTE-3 shall be populated with a non-null value from either NTE-9.2, NTE-9.5, or NTE-9.9.Typo "is is". And need to clarify "with text from this field".InM-6InMPersuasive with modsee lines 23 & 24
6422.5.6NEGSuggest to use actual HL70155 values. Also, "WRP" is confusing, so perhaps an example from one of the other chapters can be used, e.g., Chapter 4.InM-6InMPersuasive
8822.5.616A-S(no text to replace)The Field Values for MSH-15 and MSH-16 are normative in Table 0155 and are: AL = Always send acknoeledgement; ER = Send acknowledgement on error conditions; NE = Never send acknowledgements; SU = on successful message processing.InM-6InMPersuasive with ModSee line 7
8922.5.616A-SThe rows Immediate ACK and Application ACK are valued with the expected response message based on the definitions in the chapter.The Immediate ACK row should contain the message expected in reponse to the processing of the message named in second row containing the value(s) for MSH-15 in that column.A definition for Immediate ACK should be provided.InM-6InMPersuasive with ModSee line 7
206InM14Notes to Balloters 1A-T4.14.3.1 14.3.1 InM-6Persuasive