ITS Concall Minutes 20140401
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ITS Teleconference - April 1, 2014
Present: Paul Knapp (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), Dale Nelson (DN), Brian Pech (BP)
Quorum met: Yes
Chair: PK
Scribe: AS
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings August 13, August 27, September 3, September 10, October 15, October 24, November 12, December 17, January 7, February 4, February 11, February 18, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 19 and March 25
- Announcements
- Review R2B (WFC) Product Briefs
- Action Item Update
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- Will publish without examples and see if adding is a requirement of user community
- Review of Product Briefs
- Schedule on agenda of May 2014 WGM
- HL7 over HTTP
- Last action: AS will prepare for review for May 2014 WGM
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- WGM Agenda Planning
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Called to order at 2:05 pm Eastern
Minute Approval
Motion: Approve minutes of August 13, August 27, September 3, September 10, October 15, November 12, December 17, January 7, February 4, February 11, February 18, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 19 and March 25 AS/DN unanimous
AS had no notes for October 24, but it was determined there was no call on that day. PK had minutes for October 29, 2013, will send to AS. AS will add minutes of October 29, 2013 for approval on next call
Review R2B (WFC) Product Briefs
- WFC V3 Structures - Product Id 358
- Change R2B to all caps,
- Related Documents should refer to WFC datatypes document
Motion: Approve Product Brief 358 with noted changes. AS/DN, unanimous
- WFC Datatypes - Product Id 357
- R2B needs to be all caps
- In Benefits should be "Datatypes R1 to Datatypes R2"
- Related Dcouments should refer to WFC V3 Structures
Motion: Approve Product Brief 357 with above noted changes, DN/AS unanimous
Phoenix WGM
An overview of the agenda was quickly done and some updates were applied to the agenda Wiki page
Meeting adjourned at 2:59 pm Eastern