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ITS Concall Minutes 20121030

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ITS Teleconference - October 30, 2012

Present: Dale Nelson, (DN), Andy Stechishin (AS), Paul Knapp (PK)

Quorum met: Yes

Chair: PK

Scribe: AS


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. ITS Guide Datatypes Release 2 - Reconciliation
  3. Recap from Datatypes Task Force
  4. Approve Minutes of previous meetings October 23
  5. Action Item Update
    • ITS Guide
      • Last action:In ballot for September 2012 - July, 2012
    • Web Services
      • Last action: Vassil Peytchev has reported he can assist with Web Services at Vancouver WGM (will update in July/August) - May, 2012
    • InM Abstract Transports
      • Last Action: Due to the length of time between last ballot and request to publish this project has been terminated. A new project will be created to ballot the document as a new standard with the edits applied.
    • R2B Specification
    • Wiki page update:
      • Last action: AS presented the work that he and Yunwei Wang had completed over previous week, updates should be complete by next meeting - February 7, 2012
    • ISO Datatypes release 1
      • Need updates to document and examples (requires help from Grahame Grieve) - Sept 2012
  6. Review of Product Briefs
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjourn

Called to order at 2:10 pm Eastern

Datatypes Task Force Recap

PK provided an update from call, various motions concerning process for special consideration, R2B will go forward as normative, limited use and only valid for 5 years.

PK believe the Task Force's mandate is now complete.

If the board rejects the Task Force recommendations for R2B, the items will be pulled from the ballot.

  • Motion: Approve balloting HL7 Version 3 Standard: XML Implementation Technology Specification - V3 Structures for Wire Format Compatible Release 1 Data Types, Release 1 as Normative AS/DN unanimous

ITS Guide Datatypes Release 2 - Reconciliation

Changes captured in reconciliation spreadsheet.

Reconciliation complete, no substantive changes are determined. PK will seek withdrawal of negatives.

Approve Minutes of previous meetings

Ran out of time, minutes will be reviewed on next call

Next Call

Call for Nov 6 cancelled because of Harmonization, next call will be Nov 13

Call finished 3:18 Eastern