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IIWG TCON 2016-12-08
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- Opening
- Call to order, introductions, welcome
- Review & approval of the Agenda
- Minutes of the previous meeting.
- Antitrust rules.
- Topics to be discussed
- Approve Tracker Item 10273
- Review WGM Schedule
- Discuss May WGM attendence
- Discussion on use of "media" for DICOM content (link). Discussion questions include:
- Does it make sense to prohibit Media for DICOM content. If you have DICOM content it must be accessed through ImagingStudy/ImagingManifest (and thus, would need a PACS to store the images).
- Are there use cases where Media might be appropriate across organizations?
- If a patient walks into their GP’s/PCP’s office with an image on a CD. Is it appropriate to store the image in a Media resource if the PCP doesn’t have a PACS?
- The URLs in ImagingStudy/ImagingManifest are “undecorated.” What is the appropriate way to record a particular rendering of a DICOM image used in a report, etc.? Should this be Media.content.url with a full rendered WADO-RS URL? The resulting JPEG should be put in
- If I need to send a collection of FHIR content, e.g. a report, how does the related imaging travel with it?
- If there are multiple copies/renderings of the same image in various places, what are the change management issues? Should an image included in a report should remain available in that report regardless of what happens to the source of that image?
- Are there workflows where you might have a DICOM instance but not the necessary information to put together an ImagingStudy?
- Should we recommend only rendered “display-ready” content be put in Media, but non-rendered content be accessed via ImagingStudy?
- Is there a need to cross-reference between a DICOM instance (rendered or not) put in Media and the same instance in an ImagingStudy?
- Discussion of direction of MHD-I.
- Next meetings
- January 5, 2017 at 2:00pm: Teleconference
- January 16-20, 2017: In-person HL7 WG Meeting
- Adjournment