ICTC concall 20091022
Thursday 3:00 PM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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Return to IC concalls 2009
- Len G.
- Lloyd McKenzie
- Frank Oemig
update on Chp.2B
Len explained the ongoing work on updating chapter 2B with the proposal for table enhancements in profiles
conformance codes: separate codesystem?
Lloyds proposal includes to introduce a separate codesystem for the different codes used in specifying conformance, e.g. "required", "not permitted" etc. This part of the proposal is seen as beneficial and therefore supported.
RI/RC: new codes?
Lloyd explained the two new codes:
- "RI - Required for Initiator - "The element is considered ‘required’ from the perspective of systems that generate instances, but is ‘undetermined’ for systems that consume instances"
- "RC - Required for Consumer - The element is considered ‘required’ from the perspective of systems that consume instances, but is ‘undetermined’ for systems that generate instances"
- R = R = RI+RC ???
These codes may help to specify profiles on an affiliate level and simplifies writing. It is not seen to have them used in the standard. These codes will also require an update to RCnL and the core principles document. This topic will be put onto the agenda for Phoenix (Tue Q1). Lloyd will provide a draft asap.