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ICTC concall 20080522

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Thursday 12:30 AM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
Please consult for your local times
Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 644843

Return to IC concalls since last WGM
Return to ICTC meeting notes.


Role call

Approve the Agenda


SWOT analysis and to establish a roadmap for the next 3 years

HL7 2.5 ballot

Let's review the ballot reconciliation. We have to send in any notable changes to HQ by 5/25 (which is this weekend and I won't be available to do that). The zipped file (rename the .zipped file to .zip) is the Word version of the document with the changes that are made.

Pete/Don, we need your wording for item 575 (Find some wording at the beginning of 2.B.7.1. As a preambel to express that it discusses the way the length of primitive data types is calculated and refer the reader to section 2.A.).

Pete, I'll be sending a formal e-mail to Freida to request that she withdraw her negative (that she submitted on your behalf). Would you mind getting with her to make sure she is OK with these? I need to wait until you (and Don) provide the working for 575 but, other than that, we've addressed all the other VA issues.