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Hepatitis C immunization
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Hepatitis C Immunization Use Case
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maintenance: title: Hepatitis A Immunization MLM;; mlmname: Hep_A_Immunization;; arden: Version 2.8;; version: 1.00;; institution: Intermountain Health Care;; author: Peter Haug, M.D.;; specialist: Peter Haug M.D.;; date: 2011-09-10;; validation: testing;; library: purpose: Suggest initial dose of Hepatitis A vaccine schedule.;; explanation: Hepatitis Vaccination Advise under different circumstances;; keywords: Hepatitis A; vaccine; immunization;; citations: to be added. ;; links: to be added;; knowledge: type: data_driven;; data: /* text within curly brackets would be replaced with an institution's own query */ LET PatientIDRecord BE OBJECT [AccountNum, Name, Birthdate, Sex]; LET Patient BE Read As PatientIDRecord Latest {select accountnum, name, dateofbirth, sex from EHR} ; LET outpatient_visit BE EVENT {select encounter_type, start_time_stamp, end_time_stamp, attending, location from INPUT_BUFFER} LET Medication BE OBJECT [Drug_Name, Form, Dosage, Route, Schedule] LET VAQTA BE Read As Medication {select med, form, dose, route, schedule from EHR where med = 'VAQTA'} ; LET HAVRIX BE Read As Medication {select med, form, dose, route, schedule from EHR where med = 'HAVRIX'} ; LET TWINRIX BE Read As Medication {select med, form, dose, route, schedule from EHR where med = 'TWINRIX'} ; Let GenericMessage BE OBJECT [MessageID, MessageCode, Message_Text]; Let Vaccine_Message BE New GenericMessage; ;; evoke: outpatient_visit;; logic: /* Check age */ if Patient_Age Is Null then Patient_Age := Now - Patient.Birthdate; endif; if Patient_Age Less Than 12 months then Conclude False ; endif; /* Young Patient */ if Patient_Age Greater Than 12 months and Patient_Age Less Than or Equal 18 years then Apply_young_patient_rules := true; endif; /* Older Patient */ if Patient_Age Greater Than 18 years then Apply_older_patient_rules := true; endif; /* Rules-no previous vaccine. */ if Exist(VAQTA) or Exist(HAVRIX) or Exist(TWINRIX) then Hepatitis_vaccination:= true; endif; if Apply_young_patient_rules and Not Hepatitis_vaccination then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give VAQTA vaccine, 25U, IM now and repeat in 6 to 18 months."; Conclude true; endif; if Apply_older_patient_rules and Not Hepatitis_vaccination then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give VAQTA vaccine, 50U, IM now and repeat in 6 to 18 months."; Conclude true; endif; /* Rules-one previous vaccination. */ if All(VAQTA Is Null) then Count_VAQTA=0 endif if Any(VAQTA Is Present) then VAQTA = VAQTA Where Is Present Count_VAQTA=Count(VAQTA) endif if All(HAVRIX Is Null) then Count_HAVRIX=0 endif if Any(HAVRIX Is Present) then HAVRIX = HAVRIX Where Is Present Count_HAVRIX=Count(HAVRIX) endif if All(TWINRIX Is Null) then Count_TWINRIX=0 endif if Any(TWINRIX Is Present) then TWINRIX = TWINRIX Where Is Present Count_TWINRIX=Count(TWINRIX) endif if Exist Count_VAQTA and Exist Count_HAVRIX and Exits Count_TWINRIX and Count_VAQTA + Count_HAVRIX + Count_TWINRIX = 1 then Needs_second_dose := true; endif; /* Second dose young people */ if Apply_young_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(VAQTA) and Latest VAQTA Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give VAQTA vaccine, 25U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; if Apply_young_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(HAVRIX) and Latest HAVRIX Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give HAVRIX vaccine, 25U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; if Apply_young_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(TWINRIX) and Latest TWINRIX Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give TWINRIX vaccine, 25U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; /* Second dose Older people */ if Apply_older_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(VAQTA) and Latest VAQTA Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give VAQTA vaccine, 50U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; if Apply_older_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(HAVRIX) and Latest HAVRIX Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give HAVRIX vaccine, 50U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; if Apply_older_patient_rules and Needs_second_dose and Exist(TWINRIX) and Latest TWINRIX Occurred Before 6 months Ago then Vaccine_Message.Message_Text := "Give VAQTA vaccine, 50U, IM now. This completes Hepatitis A vaccinations."; Conclude true; endif; ;; action: write Vaccine_Message.Message_Text;; end: