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Health Concern Cases and Scenarios
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For full scenarios, see the analysis word document. These are abbreviated versions that include enough detail to indicate (or rule out) a business requirement to be represented in the use cases.
- SBP is taken in vitals panel as part of routine checkup. Reading is normal; no condition is inferred. (No Health Concern impact)
- SBP is taken in vitals panel as part of routine checkup. Reading is high. Hypertension is diagnosed as a condition. (And concern.) (No Health Concern impact)
- SBP is taken in vitals panel as part of routine checkup. Reading is high. Hypertension is diagnosed as a condition, but patient is terminally ill. Condition is not classified as a concern. (No Health Concern impact)
- Kidney transplant patient is given Prednisone. Immune deficiency is inferred. (Health Concern impact: Record Health Concern)
- Kidney transplant patient is given Prednisone. Immune deficiency is inferred. Patient then develops a fever. (Health Concern impact: Record Health Concern, Modify (with risk), Modify (with new concern))
- I am thinking of the use case where the Health Concern would be Obesity. This concern could link to several conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, pain in the knees, etc. etc. I want to capture Obesity as the overarching concern in the EHR, that would lead to different conditions ( or problems) with probably each their own care plan. But if nobody acts on the overarching concern of overweight, then the patient might only be revolving around between the various care providers. The overarching concern should also lead to a care plan.
Use Cases
- RecordHealthConcern: user creates a new HealthConcern based on a new or existing condition, risk, or other concern
- PromoteCondition: create a new HealthConcern from an existing condition
- UpdateHealthConcern: modify the content of an existing HealthConcern
- AssociateConcern: modify an existing HealthConcern by associating another concern with it
- DisassociateConcern: modify an existing HealthConcern by removing an associated concern
- AddObservation: modify an existing HealthConcern by associating an existing observation with it
- DeprecateObservation: modify an existing HealthConcern by removing an associated observation
- SupersedeObservation: modify an existing HealthConcern by replacing an observation
- ChangeIdentification: modify an existing HealthConcern by replacing the identifying observation
- GetHealthConcernSummary:
- GetSummaryByPriority
- GetSummaryByCause
- GetSummaryByTime
- GetHealthConcernDetails
- GetUnaryConcernDetails
- GetCompositeConcernDetails