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HSI Glossary Project

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Project Information

The Common Terms Glossary project aims to identify those words and phrases that are used by organizations advancing standards, and to document their means within specific use contexts, as well as how to avoid confusion and foster enhanced collaboration and coordination in standards development and use. Examples include "connectathon" and "profile" which are used by both HL7 and IHE, but in very different ways.

It is the intent of this project to jointly develop and maintain this glossary in collaboration with the organizations identified in the glossary. Effort will also be made to incorporate guidelines provided by the ISO/TC 215 WG3 Semantic Content (e.g., used in the and the HL7 Terminology Authority (HTA).

TBD - Once the project is formalized ...

Link to Project Insight Searchable Database Entry, which contains:
  • Brief description of project
  • Name the project facilitators, (add contact info if desired)
  • Link to project scope statement
  • Name the project listserv if a special one exists

Meeting Information

  • HSI WG meeting info is provided HERE


  • Developing PSS - WG review & approval pending

Issues/Hot Topics

  • None.

Project Documents