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HL7 proposed content change requests for SNOMED-CT to IHTSDO

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HL7 Proposed Content Change Requests for SNOMED-CT to IHTSDO


  • IHTSDO will only accept content to the core from a single entity w/in HL7.
  • Anything realm specific goes through an IHTSDO member country. If the realm specific content comes from a non-member country then HL7 needs to asses whether that content will be supported as an international specific, or sent back to the non-member country for inclusion in their own local content (HL7 needs a triage process).
  • How to get content into a format that can be sent to either IHTSDO (assuming HL7 is an affiliate) otherwise through the NLM
    • Content submission schedules (sufficiently ahead of schedules for current release schedule)
    • Content review/vetting
  • Content approval (who/how approves that the change can be submitted to IHTSDO)
  • Submission format


To draft a policy statement for endorsement by the HL7 Technical Steering Committee on submitting HL7 proposed content change requests for SNOMED-CT to IHTSDO


Sponsored by the Vocabulary WG of the Foundation and Technology Steering Division [FTSD], at TSC Tracker # 1532, Project Insight ID #634.


This project will be a jointly developed policy between HL7 and the IHTSDO to develop a policy and process whereby HL7 members can develop, vet, package and submit internationally scoped SNOMED-CT content change requests to IHTSDO. This policy will address:

  1. How change request are to be sponsored
  2. How change requests can be prioritized
  3. How change requests will be crafted (format)
  4. How change requests will be reviewed by HL7 internally
  5. How multiple requests will be packaged for submission
  6. How and at what frequency change requests will be sent to IHTSDO

Draft Policy

Draft Process