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HL7 Stability Standard Implementation Guide Teleconference Minutes 2010-07-12

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HL7 Stability Standard Pilot/Implementation Guide Teleconference Minutes

July 12, 2010


Norman Gregory (CVM), Elizabeth Cormier (CVM), David Longstaff (CVM), Catherine Hosage-Norman (Sepracor), Paul Tenaglia (Apotex), Mike Yang (ScienTek Software), and Diane Miller (Alpharma)

  • Need to find out if schema will go back to the way it previously was. How can we ballot the IG if we don't know the answer? Who is responsible for the schema?
  • Catherine will add links to transmission wrapper information and link to RMIM and the legend for the RMIM.
  • Mike Yang will add more XML examples and description of data types.
  • Attached is the IG with all the format changes accepted. See the attached Word file PLEASE make comments and/or edits using "Track Changes" to discuss at the July 12th teleconference.

Agenda for July 19, 2010 Teleconference: