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HL7 Stability Standard Implementation Guide Teleconference Minutes 2010-02-01

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HL7 Stability Standard Pilot/Implementation Guide Teleconference Minutes

February 1, 2010


Norman Gregory (CVM), Tim Lee (CBER), Tena Wei (CDRH), Catherine Hosage-Norman (Sepracor), Mike Yang (ScienTek Software), Edward Pec (Abbott Laboratories) Diane Miller (Alpharma), and Jennifer Rice (Alpharma)

  • The newest version of the Stylesheet can be found at then click on wiki at top of page and it is in the middle, file name, save to computer, extract to a folder, and read the file “ReleaseNotes[1.2].txt” and follow the directions for changing the file name from “eStabilityWin.js.txt” to “eStabilityWin.js”.
  • Please start trying to use the Input Tool and document any issues. It can be found at then click on wiki at top of page and it is at the bottom, file name and the expiration is 3/1/2010. The first time opening will ask for license key that is provided on the wiki. There is also a Word file ”input_tool_observations” that documents other known issues. You need Microsoft.NET framework, version 2 or higher (most current is 3.5) for the Input Tool to work.

Agenda for February 7, 2010 Teleconference: