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February 7th, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Accept Agenda, [Accept Minutes January 31st, 2012 CBCC Conference Call]
  2. (15 min) May 2012 Ballot road map, strategy and next steps
  3. (40 min) Jan 2012 Ballot Reconciliation


Roll Call, Accept Agenda, [Accept Minutes January 31st, 2012 CBCC Conference Call]

May 2012 Ballot road map, strategy and next steps

  • Strategy - to position the BH CCD for long-term usage
    • With basic use cases in mind, we have identified a core set of data elements wthe the feedback received from Arizona and data requirements from Florida. Note: AZ ha 40 requirements whereas FL has approximately 100.
    • The data elements themselves are in the context of a model. We have identified 15 concepts that have to be exchanged i.e. job status code.
    • When you exchange data, it may repeat in one transmission but all the classes constitute the (single) data element.

Jan 2012 Ballot Reconciliation

Total number of Number received:

Comments addressed at this meeting:

  • Expected date to complete:
  • Issues/Risks: ?

Action Items