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February 4, 2016, Agenda

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Minutes - Universal Device Identifier Use Cases Project Meeting, February 4, 2016


  1. Attendees:
  2. Meeting Discussion:
  3. Action Items:
  4. Next Meeting:


  • Hans Buitendijk
  • Terrie Reed
  • Behnaz Minaei
  • Ben Moscovittch
  • Chris Melo
  • Koichiro Matsumoto
  • Martha Velezis
  • Myron Fynseth
  • Scott Brown
  • Steve Rosenberg

Meeting Discussion:

  • Approve Agenda
  • Approve Prior Meeting Minutes, Meeting January 28, 2016
  • Review Call for Participation to ord, devices, pharmacy
  • Review any use cases received, Prioritize
    • Line 8 is considered low priority. Follow-up questions:
      • Do we care about reimbursement number as part of the UDI carrier?
      • Is FDA the right assigning authority, or should it be the issueing agency to ensure implants from US, Brazil, Japan, etc. can be consistently interpreted.
    • Line 9 is considered. Follow-up questions:
      • Would this be just be on the attachment, or in the core of the administrative X12 transaction?
      • Either way, would that be sufficient to feed, or do we need more.
    • X12 items can be used to help justify priority, but do not seem to state specific use cases themselves.
    • We should have a claims submisssion vs. an analytical data collection use case. The first may be of higher priority than the second.
    • Suggest to focus on the core flow first and then on analytical flows (which may result in enrichment of basic capabilities).
  • Next Steps Planning

Action Items:

  • Confirm whether or not the PSS has been approved and submitted to the TSC for approval in time for this Ballot Cycle
    • While submitted mid-December, it did not go out for SSD-SD vote until last Friday. Deadline for votes is Feb 8. Then it will go to TSC. It is also in FMG's queue for approval given potential FHIR involvement / impact.
  • Request new listserv for the UDI Use Cases Project (Patrick sent initial email 1/28, followup 2/2)
    • Done.
    • Please sign up.
  • Confirm that the UDI Task Force will be developing 1) UDI DAM and 2) UDI Implementation Guide (to include harmonization across v2, v3, CDA and FHIR)
  • Need to spin off a PSS for the C-CDA to address the individual UDI components (this will be a dependency for IG related work) - Request Paul K. update us on this item
    • Not done yet.
  • Identify and Reference all previously related content on this topic (as a resource), for example materials from the UDI Task Force
    • Available through the PSS.

Next Meeting: