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February 23, 2016 Security Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Kathleen ConnorSecurity Co-chair . Duane DeCouteau . Chris Clark
x John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair . Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
x Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Ken Salyards . Christopher D Brown TX
. Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair . Gary Dickinson x Dave Silver
x Mike Davis . Ioana Singureanu x Mohammed Jafari
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb x Rob Horn . Galen Mulrooney
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Ken Rubin . William Kinsley
x Rick Grow . Paul Knapp . Debbie Bucci
x Glen Marshall, SRS . Bill Kleinebecker x Christopher Shawn
. Oliver Lawless x Mayada Abdulmannan . Serafina Versaggi
x Beth Pumo . Russell McDonell . Paul Petronelli , Mobile Health
. Christopher Doss x Kamalini Vaidya . [mailto: Stephanie Dyke ]

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. ( 5 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. ( 5 min) February 16, 2016 Security WG Conference Call Minutes
  3. ( 30 min) March 2016 Security WG Final Harmonization Proposals Approved

-Completed technical review, fixing the U.S. Privacy login and add to code system -Using set of codes to apply any patient preference to apply to policy

- Esures inclusion of Privacy Laws - International set to include exchange of information protection of privacy laws

- Adding new obligations using security labeling -Security Labeling is to notify recipient what to do classify and de-classify -Establishes the rules how to deal with security labels and to keep track of provenance

- Adding codes from Security and Privacy anthology

  1. ( 5 min) Privacy and Security by Design PSS discussion - John

- attending Architecture review board meeting -to submit detailed report after meeting ARB

  1. ( 5 min) Joint Vocabulary Alignment Update - Diana

-Shared at CBCC call - Reviewed life cycle names, and made adjustment to reduce confusion and ambiguity of names - life cycle events in 2889 and FHIR life cycle events - Audit events life cycles Diacom events - Q: Can we use Prolonged PM life cycle events on 2889?

- A: We can add  but we can’t replace. CB’s are to be added to vocab 
  1. ( 5 min) FHIR Security report out - John

- CBCC-Vocab Alignment between life cycle events between Security and Provenance -Activities: - the Verb that is being defined tabbed into the model, and output function - it generates content by the output functions - Content was successfully generated by the output function

  1. ( 5 min) PASS Audit Conceptual Model – Diana
  2. FYI: Call for papers for Provenance Week 2016 being held in WashingtonDC in June 2016.

Note that there will be a FHIR Security call at 2pm PT/5pm ET See agenda at FHIR Security Agenda

= Minutes = Approved

  1. Consensus Approval of February 23
  2. Reviewed and approved final harmonization proposals
  3. EHR Lifecycle Discussion

MOTION made to approve the presented version: (Approved, need counts)

Privacy and Security by Design PSS discussion

  • ARB is meeting tomorrow to discuss the PSS, Rick Grow will be in attendance for the discussion
  • update to the PSS will be provided next week