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February 12, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) FEI Briefing Ioana (?)
  4. (15 min) Update to BH IG and BH DAM Serafina
  5. (15 min) Update to Consent Directive Ballot Serafina
  6. (15 min) WGM follow-up (Suzanne & Richard) - deferred from last meeting (still to do)
    • Three-year Plan:
    • Meeting Minutes - Suzanne to complete & Serafina to review. Minutes to be approved on next Tuesday's CBCC Call (2/5/13) Suzanne to post
    • Work Group Mission and Charter - review with attendees, send to listserve and have approved by DESD before posting
  7. (05 min) Wrap Up, Review Action Items and Propose Agenda Items for Next Week


Behavioral Health Presentation Discussion about developing the SAMHSA Behavioral Health value sets.

Currently have a set of items to start with and hope to receive feedback that will help with the development of the ballot.

Richard is trying to focus on not missing anything so that they don’t have to come back to things. The biggest issue right now is to fill the gaps. Look at the use case section in the first informative, then you can include the information in this ballot. If you don’t have enough feedback then we can go back and look at the use cases again.

An informative DAM and that is more accessible to domain experts. Then there is an implementation guide which is for the systems developers. We may put a use case in the DAM but in the implementation process say we haven’t done anything with this yet, but here is our strategy. We have to have a backup as to how we are going to respond to the questions that will come from the call this afternoon. We hope to hear from domain experts who will say that we didn’t include terms etc., and they should be included.

Title of Document The document should be titled the HL7 CBCC Summary Behavioral Health Record Value Sets.

Serafina will eventually come up with a name for the document. This is an HL7 activity that happens to be supported by SAMSA. Steve was asked if he wanted to invite anyone to join this effort. He said that he plans to ask some people on his end if they would interested in participating.

Action Items:

  1. Forward the documents (overview and the value sets) to the CBCC list. We are using these documents to reach out to stakeholders and domain experts.
  2. Richard will forward the invitations to the meeting today at 4pm and Thursday at 1pm and Monday at 4pm. Also the wrap up on 2/20 at 1pm. Richard will forward those invitations to Steve and Serafina will forward the documents. She will also add Steve to the distribution list. Following the sessions any changes will be made and recorded in the change log and published again as an update.
  3. Serafina will contact Younwa (sp.?) and tell her that she needs to drive the changes to the value sets document. Serafina will need feedback on additions that she made to the document.
  4. Richard asked Serafina to figure out some kind of little symbol to add to the document that states that something is a suggestion and that the group can suggestion changes.

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