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FHIR Workflow Minutes CC 20160104

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FHIR Workflow Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Lloyd McKenzie (chair/scribe)
  • Scott Robertson
  • Iryna Roy
  • Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Michelle Miller
  • Julia Chan
  • Rob Hausam
  • Gary Dickinson


  • Motion to approve minutes of Dec. 14th: Scott/Michelle Unanimous
  • Motion to approve minutes of Dec. 16th: Scott/Julia: 6-0-1

Task vs. Order

  • Looked at Rene's diagram
  • Haven't yet talked about "Workflow" resource yet. May need something to manage workflow definition as well as a workflow instance
  • Need to figure out boundaries - what makes a distinct workflow instance
  • Need to figure out where statuses live and how they relate - status of order, status of order workflow, status of individual task
  • Will talk about how Task can be used to satisfy request/response use-case currently underlying Order/OrderResponse on Wednesday's call
  • Julia provided a link to a use-case diagram she's put together for discussion on a subsequent call: [1]

Workflow Issue document

  • Updated [Workflow document]
    • Talked about consistency of names - leaning towards recommending everything be [base]Request for request-type resources. (Exception for Appointment)
    • Looked at consistency of elements. Lloyd to update spreadsheet showing relationships
