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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20180507

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FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Lloyd McKenzie (chair/scribe)
  • Brian Ahier
  • Richard Ettema
  • Rick Geimer
  • Sean McIlvenna
  • Vadim Peretokin
  • Josh Mandel
  • Eric Haas (joined late)

Minutes approval

Tracker Items

  • [14332] - Question answered

Eric joins

  • [14712] - Consider for Future Use
  • [15209] - Transferred to PA
  • [15091] - Transferred to MnM
  • [13732] - Persuaasive
  • [14539] - to vocab
  • [13405] - Persuasive
  • [14000] - Not Persuasive

Sean, Rick leave

  • [14440] - Transferred to OO
  • [14532] - Transferred to OO
  • [14553] - Persuasive w/ mod
  • [14646] - Waiting for input (Rick)

Rob H joins

  • [14671] - Not Persuasive
  • [14892] - Not Persuasive
  • [15025] - Eric will withdraw
  • [15143] - Transferred to vocab
  • [12809] - Transferred to oo
  • [14205] - Persuasive
  • [13527] - Persuasive w/ Mod

Brian leaves


17:02 Eastern