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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20180326

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FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Lloyd McKenzie (chair/scribe)
  • Bryn Rhodes
  • Grahame Grieve
  • Jeff Danford
  • Richard Ettema
  • Rick Geimer
  • Rob Hausam
  • Robert Lario
  • Sean McIlvenna
  • Yunwei Wang
  • Josh Mandel (joined late)

Minutes approval

Agenda Item 1

Robert leaves

  • [15107] - Agreed this change could be made as a QA item. Will check on the committer's stream if any IG has issues with it

Josh joins

  • [15828] - Persuasive w/ mod

Bryn leaves Rob leaves Rick leaves Sean leaves Josh leaves

  • [15827] - Persuasive w/ Mod

Block vote: Motion to approve the block vote posted by Ewout last week (less the item Lloyd asked to be pulled): Richard Ettema/Grahame Grieve: 4-0-0 Yunwei leaves

  • [15808] - Persuasive w/ Mod


4:17 Eastern