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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20170724

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FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Ewout Kramer (chair)
  • Lloyd McKenzie (scribe)
  • Grahame Grieve
  • James Agnew
  • Kensaku Kawamoto
  • Rick Geimer
  • Ron Shapiro
  • Bryn Rhodes
  • Rob Hausam


Motion to approve minutes from last week's call: Lloyd/Rick: 7-0-0

Tracker Items

  • [13515] - Persuasive w/ Mod
  • [13376] - Discussed, no resolution
  • [13331] - Perusasive w/ Mod
  • [13354] - Marked as duplicate of 13331
  • [13323] - Persuasive w/ Mod
