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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC20160711

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FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Lloyd McKenzie
  • Hans Buitendijk
  • Brian Postlethwaite
  • Chris Grenz
  • Grahame Grieve
  • James Agnew
  • Josh Mandel
  • Rob Hausam
  • Ron Shapiro
  • Ewout Kramer
  • Richard Ettema (after first vote)


Block votes - exclude 5629

Motion to approve both blocks Grahame Grieve/Ewout Kramer 8-0-1

Richard joins

  • 5629 - Persuasive
  • 9631 - Persuasive with mod
  • 10215 - Persuasive with mod
  • 9977 - Persuasive

Ron leaves

  • 9816 - Persuasive with mod

James & Brian leave

  • 10248 - Persuasive with mod
  • 10190 - Wait until Brian can join
  • 9161 - Persuasive with mod
  • 10202 - Persuasive with mod
  • 9717 - Persuasive with mod

not(starts-with(f:reference/@value, '#')) or exists(ancestor::*[self::f:entry or self::f:parameter]/f:resource/f:*/f:contained/f:*[f:id/@value=substring-after(current()/f:reference/@value, '#')]|/*/f:contained/f:*[f:id/@value=substring-after(current()/f:reference/@value, '#')])

Lost Josh
