Error Location
The AcnowledgementDetail and detectedIssueEvent classes contain an attribute to convey the error location. The method used to identify the error location SHALL be as independent of any specific ITS as possible.
(discussion) The following is a normative definition of how the location SHALL be identified:
Location will identify the specific location within the message using a simplified xPath syntax. No axis prefixes may be specified. The default 'child' axis will always be assumed but not specified. A predicate will always be specified and will be limited to indicating the relative repetition of the element. All attributes and associations will be treated as elements, including 'structural' attributes (meaning that the xPath will not necessarily be directly valid when applied against the standard XML ITS).
- For AcknowledgementDetail, the root node will be assumed to be the Transmission class for the Transmission being acknowledged.
- For DetectedIssue, the root node will be assumed to be the ControlAct for the Interaction being responded to.
For example: /PORX_IN123456UV01[1]/controlActProcess[1]/authorOrPerformer[2]/typeCode[1]