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EHR Usability Project

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Project Overview

This project's mission is to translate existing, well established usability guidelines and health information management principles into functional criteria in the EHR System Functional Model (EHR-S FM) standard. An updated EHR-S FM will help clarify usability requirements for the healthcare domain and support the certification of systems that claim conformance to the EHR-S FM's usability requirements. The following people will be recruited and engaged to help complete an environmental scan and to collect a set of requirements for developing a usability framework: clinicians, vendors, academicians specializing in usability and human factors research, implementers, chief medical information officers, health information managers, and other users of data (e.g., hospital administrators, researchers, analysts, quality improvement, and revenue cycle personnel).

Project Need

to be completed

Project Success Criteria

to be completed

Currently Out of Scope

to be completed

Project Leadership

Donald T. Mon, PhD
John Ritter
Mitra Rocca
Walter Suarez, MD, PhD

EHR Workgroup Co-Chair(s)

Don Mon
John Ritter

Meeting Information

Upcoming EHR Usability Project Working Calls: The following list of calls is to help EHR WG members and other interested parties participate in ongoing EHR Usability Project development and discussion. Please contact the call leaders if you have any questions. All EHR WG or interested members are welcome to participate in these calls.

Project Documents

Reference Material

Project Status

to be completed...

Current Activities

to be completed...


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