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DoF 2017-03-29

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Meeting Information

NOTE: Updated with HL7 FreeConferenceCall Info
Online Meeting
ID: devicesonfhir
Dial-in Number
United States: (605) 475-4793
Access Code: 399374
International Dial-in Numbers:


  • Björn Anderson (Univ. of Lübeck), Muhammad Asim (Philips), Todd Cooper (BSF), John Dyer (Draeger), John Garguilo (NIST), Stefan Karl (Philips), Bill Kleinebecker (Strategic Pathways), Paul Schluter (GE), Sungkee Lee (KNU), Koichiro Matsumoto (Nihon Kohden), J. Uwe Meyer (MT2IT), Joe Quinn (Optum), Brian Reinhold (LNI), John Rhoads (Philips)

Regrets: Chris Courville (Epic)


  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call deferred
  • Furore Tool Demonstration
- Next steps for DoF is to focus on device specialization profiles and implementation guide(s)
- The Furore tools (Simplifier and Forge) are in broad use in the FHIR community, and were demo'd for the Devices WG during the January WGM in San Antonio; many DoF weekly participants were not there and it was a "long" time ago - so this update was to help kick off this next phase of DoF activity
- Ashley Duncan ( provided the demonstration
- Demo notes:
- Simplifier (implementation guides) and Forge (resource profiling) tools were reviewed, both are free and downloadable or accessible on-line
- provides example projects in the Showcase and Popular sections;
- Longer presentation on profiling using Forge by Michel Rutren @ Furore is available HERE(PDF)
- Implementation guide documentation / examples:
- Further documentation can be found in this presentation given by Marten Smits here:
- Example:
- Example:
- STU3 Support? This should be added in April (see
  • New Business