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DoF 2016-09-21 & 22

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Meeting Information

WebEx (incl. VOIP): CLICK HERE
Phone: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Code: 432584



- See slides for discussion topics; most of the time was reviewing status, connectathon "results", etc.
  • Thursday Q1 - DEV-FHIR Joint Meeting (Ewout presiding)
- FHIR Briefing Slides for the TSC in Baltimore 2016.09.19
- Ewout clarified that CPs need to be closed by 10/9 and final FHIR Core edits need to be posted by 11/27 (not 11/11 as in the slides above)
- STU3 intent to publish by December 31st
- FHIR Maturity Model (FMM)
- Courville: Can you clarify the FMM requirements for each stage? They seem to leave quite a bit of room for interpretation
> They represent more of a "gut feeling" that the requirements have been met; once convinced as a group, write it up for the FHIR management to review and advance level
> Intent is not to set the FMM2 bar so high that many fail before advancing past FMM1
> DOES NOT REQUIRE CONNECTATHON F2F testing ... can be accomplished in virtual testing events
> Amsterdam DevDays would be a good candidate
- Note: "Conformance" resource => "CapabilityStatement"
- Implementation Guide Production
- Previously IG and FHIR Core production was intertwined; but now they have been separated from the specification build process
- Script based - see Graham's updated wiki information
- Examples are SDC and DAF
- Mapping Production
- Explain the mapping in the IG ...
- 11073 BITS (Bit String) data type mapping to FHIR
- Brian proposed an approach to mapping bit strings from 11073 to FHIR
- See the discussion slides above
- Ewout generally approved the approach
- A simpler example should be created and then added to an Implementation Guide