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December 7, 2017 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call

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Conference Call Schedule

Freeconference - at online meetings tab select join meeting and enter fm4 Dial in 515 739 1538 Access Code 589967


Member Name
Kathleen Connor Co-chair x
Beat Heggli Co-chair .
Paul Knapp Co-chair x
John Moehrke Security Co-Chair
Lorraine Constable .
Andy Stechishin x
Mark Scrimshire .
Grahame Grieve .
Corey Spears .
Mary Kay McDaniel x
Durwin Day .
Lenel James .
Reed Gelzer .
Julia Chan .
Jamie Mosteller .
Alec McLure .
Rachel Foerster .
Eric Ellsworth .
Pete Glibert .
Alex Beckner .
Susan Langford .
Lou Bedor .


  1. WI1709002 Non-member participation in User Groups - Implementation of EC decision to limit non-member participation to one-year.
  2. WI1709003 Revise resolution of motions by email - Proposal from the CTO to allow submission of email vote on electronic motion (§06.06) to either the list or directly to the Secretary.
  3. WI1709004 Variations from standard DMP - Proposal to stipulate that deviations from the standard/common DMP shall be approved by the TSC.
  4. WI1709005 Electronic voting for WG co-chair elections - Implementation of electronic voting for WG co-chair elections piloted at September WGM
  5. WI1709006 Revise Contract Work process - Implementation of revisions to Contract Work process prepared by EC task force.
  • Heads up: Payer-Provider (P2) FHIR Taskforce

ONC is in the process of establishing the new Payer-Provider (P2) FHIR Taskforce. Through this task force, ONC aims to gather information from highly motivated health IT payers and health care organizations to identify infrastructure and ecosystem solutions that could accelerate the adoption of HL7 FHIR between payers and providers. Using a tiger team approach, this taskforce will focus on leveraging existing resources and best practices to develop practical, consensus-based solutions to infrastructure and ecosystem barriers and conduct demonstration projects. If you are interested in learning more or directly supporting the work of the taskforce, email

  • Review outstanding CPs to prep for Jan Informative Ballot.


  • Paul chaired.
  • Nov 30 Minutes reviewed. Lou moved to approve; Kathleen seconded. Approved 5-0-0.
  • Credit card information in v2 and v3: No credit card element in v2. Several examples in v3 as well as codes for cash and types of credit cards.
  • Discussed long standing issues around Coverage wrt to inclusion of self-pay in a Resource primarily meant for insurance information.
  • Discussed GOM changes. Kathleen had objected to the need for changing DMP practices. Mary Kay voiced support for new DMP practices (3). Andy and Paul agreed. Consensus to vote negative on (1) WI1709002 because of lack of rationale for limiting non-member participation in User Group to one year. WG agreed with the others. Kathleen moved to approve; Andy seconded. 4-0-0. Kathleen will submit for FM.
  • CR 14254 Make the naming of linking elements across resources consistent. Andy moved; Lou seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR 14239 Add Patient search parameter to Coverage. Lou moved; Andy seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR 13677 Remove type elements from Claim that were already removed from EOB as well. Andy moved; Lou seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR 13612 Create a Submit Operations for a claim to enable receit of a claim parameter or a bundle and return a claim response parameter or a bundle. Andy moved; Lou seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR 13613 Create a submit operation for Process Request. Resolved as in 13612. Change required. Lou moved; Andy seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR 13610 Create a submit operation for EligibilityRequest. Resolved as in 13612. Lou moved; Andy seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR13485 ClaimResponse - Replace DetailItem with AddedItem. Andy moved; Lou seconded. Approved as persuasive 4-0-0.
  • CR Block Vote on CRs 11369, 11374, 11378, 11382, 11384, 11384,   11388,  11390,  11398, 11399, 11400, , 11401, 11402. All have comment: Provide mapping to RIM, CDAnet, NCPDP, CMS 1500 or X12. - 2016-09 core #542. Need MOU for mapping to external standards. No change required. Andy moved; Lou seconded. Approved as nonpersuasive with mod 4-0-0.
  • Meeting adjourned 3:30PM ET.