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December 13th, 2011 Security Working Group Conference Call
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Security Working Group Meeting
- Kathleen Connor
- Ed Coyne
- Mike Davis Security Co-chair
- Jon Farmer
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- Jim Kretz
- Glen Marshall
- John Moehrke Security Co-chair
- Milan Petkovic
- Ken Salyards
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair
- Tony Weida
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (20 min) Obligation Discussion -Kathleen Connor
- (10 min) ConfidentialityCode update from Vocabulary Harmonization -Kathleen Connor
- (15 min) January-2012 HL7 San Antonio - Discuss WGM agenda
- (5 min) Other Business