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December 13, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair
. Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair . Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair
. Mohammed Jafari x Rick Grow x Glen Marshall x Ken Salyards
x Ken Sinn . David Staggs x Steve Eichner . Beth Pumo
Serafina Versaggi . Ioana Singureanu x Neelima Chennamaraja . Lori Simon
Chris Shawn . Joe Lamy . Rob Horn . Magizhan Tamilarasu

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda Approve Meeting Minutes
  2. (05 min) FHIR Consent (Friday call) discussion reminder
    • Friday Meeting NOTE Meeting time change to 2:00ET!!
  3. (05 min) PASS Audit - Diana
  4. (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA)
  5. (05 min) FHIR CP Consent - John TUESDAY MEETING update
  6. (30 min) BH Cross-Paradigm Ballot reconciliation - Ioana (starts at bottom of the hour)

FHIR Consent Remaining issues discussed Consent resource/ SLS, both will be available in FHIR - (with different reasons); A target as well as data is contained in the root. all information

  • a block vote created for next week - this Friday will be last meeting for calendar year
  • first 5 CP are out, 2 others will be out soon (to meet deadline)

Ballot Reconciliation - We have completed the ballot reconciliation and dispositions are final for the "HL7 Cross-Paradigm Implementation Guide: Behavioral Health Data Exchange, Release 1 (CDAR2_IG_BHA_R1_I1_2016SEP.pdf)".

Link to Ballot Reconciliation sheet: CDAR2_IG_BHA_R1_I1_2016SEP_20161110_LL_amalgamated.xlsx containing the final dispositions.

Please direct any questions to Neelima Thank you

HL7 WGM Agenda - January 2017

  • short review, any additions/adjustments should be directed to one of the co-chairs.

Meeting adjourned at 1214 Arizona Time --Suzannegw (talk) 14:14, 13 December 2016 (EST)