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DataTypes Comments Section 6
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6 Collections of Quantities
- Apologies on this section - it was only reviewed through section 6.5... the rest is sufficiently complex that I'm going to just assume it is ok.
- 6.1 Preliminary Considerations
- P1 "The concept of generic types is described in (§ )." - This doesn't work at all in a non-html document, and is painful in html because you have to click on it to even find out whether it is an internal or external reference.
- P3 "Snowbirds" is kind of a local term. While the line is kind of fun, I wonder whether it shouldn't be replaced with "... and addresses of people who maintain different winter and summer residences"?
- 6.2 GeneratedSequence (GLIST) specializes LIST
- "Used to specify regular sampling points for biosignals." - is this the only reason that these are here? It seems like a type that applies to a lot of things beyond just biosignal sampling points, so maybe this shouldn't be part of the definition of, if it is, it should be stated as a "for example"?
- The examples table is a little confusing, as it appears to be a part of the definition of equality.
- 6.3 SampledSequence (SLIST) specializes LIST
- Same issue on sampled biosignals as above
- 6.4 Continuous Set (QSET) specializes SET
- The definition says that a Continuous Set is "An unordered set of distinct values..." and yet 6.4.1 says that "Continuous Sets are totally ordered sets - ?????
- 6.5 Continuous Set Union (QSU) specializes QSET
- 6.6 Continuous Set Intersection (QSI) specializes QSET
- 6.7 Continuous Set Difference (QSD) specializes QSET
- 6.8 Continuous Set Periodic Hull (QSP) specializes QSET
- 6.9 Coded Continuous Set (QSC) specializes QSET and CS
- 6.10 Interval (IVL) specializes QSET
- 6.11 Interval of Physical Quantities (IVL<PQ>) specializes IVL
- 6.12 Interval of Point in Time (IVL<TS>) specializes IVL
- 6.13 Periodic Interval of Time (PIVL) specializes QSET
- 6.14 Event-Related Periodic Interval of Time (EIVL) specializes QSET
- 6.15 General Timing Specification (GTS) Alias For QSET<TS>