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Conformance 1st March

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  • John Lyons
  • Bas van Poppel
  • Len Gallgher


I. May Ballot Material

We discussed what was going into the Refinement, Constraint and Localization Chapter Release 2. We were going to get the Specialization Hierarchy table into the new document but there was also a proposal from Len which I felt could be put in there as well. I would like for the March 15th meeting to concentrate mainly on the Ballot material since the final deadline for all material is the 19th. I was going to send Len the section from the chapter 2.4.1 which Len said that he would work on and then I would merge his material back into the main document.

II. Conformance to an Application Role in v3.

Len, Bas and I discussed how we were going to try to define what conformance to an application role would be. At the meeting prior to this we had thought that perhaps we should take one application and work with it. In discussing it together we though that Lab would probably be a good starting place. Len indicated that he had some material that could be of assistance here and again it might make for a good starting place. I had mentioned using the wiki as a place to keep this “living” document and we will see how that might work out depending on how many people might be able to assist with working on it.