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Conformance 18th April 2007

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  • Frank Oemig
  • John Lyons
  • Bill Braithwaite
  • Lisa Carnahan


  • Approve the Agenda
  • Update on Implementation/Conformance merger.
  • Meeting assignments for the WGM in Cologne

Approve the Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda

Meeting assignments for the WGM in Cologne

We may need to to some adjusting of schedules due John not been able to attend the WGM. Frank and Lisa will check to see what other commitments they have and try to find ways to make sure the meetings are covered by pehaps enlisting other help for representation or minute taking.

Update on Conformance/Implementation merger

There were some questions and issues brought up by Mike Cassidy which Lisa is going to take to the implementation meeting tomorrow. The issues which were brought up by Ed Hammond and Lloyd McKenzie we believe were issues where we believe the thought was the merged group was going to "certify" implementers and that is not the case.